
Michael's POV

It really helped talking to Jackie earlier, but I still can't help but blame myself for all of this. Faith keeps trying to reassure me that it's not my fault and that she's ok and it'll happen soon enough, but I can't help but worry that if it doesn't happen soon then she'll start to resent me and find someone who can give her a child.

"Is it really that bad?" Faith asks bringing me from my thoughts and I look up at her confused. "The dinner? You've barely touched it. Is it really that bad?" She asks again. "No- no it's really good" I tell her honestly. "Are you sure? Because I can make you something else if you..."

"The foods great" I smile cutting her off. "I'm just not very hungry is all" I shrug. "You been off you food for awhile now. Maybe your coming down with something?" She says softly feeling my forehead. "I have been feeling a little sick lately, but i'll be fine" I shrug I really have been feeling a little sick lately, but I've been trying to brush it off and concentrate on finishing my album which is taking a lot longer that I thought it would.

"C'mon" Faith smiles at me taking my hand "You need to get some rest.

We go upstairs and get into bed and Faith picks out a movie then comes and lays down with me. "Baby, I'm fine really. It's just a bug" I shrug trying to play it off not wanting to admit to her that I actually feel like crap, but then quickly give in when she lays beside me and starts rubbing her hand softly on my stomach with one hand and twisting my curls gently with the other.

"Does that feel any better?" She asks and I nod closing my eyes and soon drift off to sleep.

Jackie's POV

"You finally decided to show?" Julie scoffs, moving aside to let me in.

"Why are you doing this?" I frown getting straight to the point. "Why are you taking your time to pay up?" She shrugs. "Its been almost a week. I told you what will happen if you don't pay up"

"And how do I know you won't just take the money?" I shrugs. "A deals a deal. You pay up and i'll get an abortion and your precious wife never finds out or I have the baby and ruin your marrige and your life" she shrugs. "And then what, huh? Your gonna raise the baby by yourself like you did with Faith? Because we all know how much you fucked up there" I shrug. "You never heard of nannies?"

"And your willing to ruin your image even more by admitting you ruined someones marrige? Because it will"

"Oh please. My image has already been ruined. Faith made sure of that. I can't even get work anymore because of her" she frowns.

"So that's all you care about? Money? What about your daughter? Sure you may not be able to get work that much any more, but do you have any idea what her and Michael are going through right now!?" I snap. "What are you talking about?" She frowns confused. "Since their daughter died, Her and Michael have been trying for another baby. When you called me earlier, I didn't answer because I was busy consoling them and trying to assure them that everything's gonna be ok. They're  so desperate to be parents and your standing there using an unborn baby's life as a weapon against me! Do you have any idea how lucky you are? You can have kids no problem and they'd kill to be in your shoes right now!" Snap and her expression softens slightly.

"I had no idea"

"Well you wouldn't because all you care about is yourself! Your daughter's going through hell right now and your standing there threatening me with a child you don't even want and it's discusting" I scrunch my face at her and she doesn't say anything.

Faith's POV

I wake up feeling Michael gently pulling me closer to him "I see someone's feeling better" I giggle slightly feeling his erection, pushing against. "Mhm" he groans onto my neck, pulling me closer then presses his lips softly against mine and kisses me softly and I kiss him back the same way then the phone starts ringing.

"Ignore it" Michael groans pulling me back to him and gets on top of me.

We continue making out and the phone starts ringing again. "It could be important" I sigh breaking away slightly and he gets off me while I answer the phone.

"Well I'm busy. Can't it wait?" I say to security "she says it's pretty urgent" he replies an I sigh heavily.

"What's wrong?" Michael asks when I get off the phone and I tell him my mom's at the gate.

"So leave her there" he shrugs "I can't it sounded pretty urgent"

"But I want you now" he whines playfully. "I want you to, but it'll have to wait" I pout playfully and peck his lips then get up to go see what the 'big emergency' is.

After letting my mom in she sits quietly on the sofa for a moment. "So... what did you wanna talk to me about?" I shrug still waiting. And she sighs and takes a deep breath. "Me and Jackie slept together" she blurted out.

"Um.. we kinda figured that awhile ago" Michael says sarcastically "I meant recently" she rolls her eyes at him. "And that's the big emergency?" I frown confused. "No. He um... he told me about the two of you and that you were having trouble. You know... conceiving" she mumbles that last part "what's that got to do with anything?" Michael shrugs uncomfortably "I'm pregnant. With Jackie's baby. He already knows and he weren't exactly happy about it and to be honest neither was I at first, but..."

"So that's why you came over? To brag about it!?" I frown confused "I get that you you don't like that we're together, but do you really hate me that much you'd just come over here. To brag about you being pregnant and I'm not!? Well Congratulations. You have a baby and we don't! You didn't need to come here and rub it in our face"

"Of course I don't hate you! And I didn't come here to brag about me being pregnant"

"Then why did you?" Michael asks just as confused and she doesn't say anything for a moment. "Like I said Jackie wasn't happy about it and neither was I. I was gonna have an abortion, but when he told me about you two and how much you both despretly wanted a baby, we got talking and we agreed that maybe we should ask you two first... before I did anything"

"Ask us what? It's nothing to do with us what you choose to do" I shrug confused. "But it could be. If you wanted. You could have this baby and..."

"You wanna give us your baby?" Michael raises an eyebrow at her. "Me and Jackie don't want this baby and it's not like anybody needs to know. Just think about it like a private adoption or surrogate"

"Why would you wanna do that for us?" I ask and she doesn't answer for a moment "I was a terrible mother to you and I was never there for you when you needed me. I know I can't change the past, but I want to help you and I know you'll be amazing parents to this baby"

Jackie's POV

It's getting late and I'm sat in my car waiting for Julie to get back and I finally see her car drive into her drive and I go over to her.

"Did you speak to them?"

"Mhm" she nods "and?" I shrug. "They said no at first and were confused why I was even offering, but eventually they agreed"

"And they definitely said yes?"

"Mhm" she nods. "Thank you so much. You have no idea how much this will mean to them"

"I'm sure it does" she shrugs. Then stands staring at me for a moment. "You forgetting something?" She raises an eyebrow and I sigh handing over the envelope and she stands counting the money inside. "Don't worry. It's all there" I say slightly sarcastically "good" she smiles through pursed lips. "And I'll expect the next payment same time next week"

"I told you I would. We made a deal remember?"

"That's right and like I said. if your late on a single payment or there's so much and a penny under. The deals off and I tell Faith and Michael about the little deal we made" she says seriously and I nod. "You can leave now. I'm getting bored with you now" she shrugs and I nod leaving, not wanting to piss her off in any way.

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