“Dean?” The cracky voice wasn’t the one he wanted to hear right now, but hell, he was happy to hear anything mix with the roar of the Impala at this point.

“Hey Sammy. Sleep well?” He asked, glancing back at his brother though the rear view mirror. He couldn’t help the small smile that graced his face when he saw his drowsy sibling.

“Where are we?” Sam asks, pushing his hair back and trying to fix what was undoubtly a bed headed mess. 

“On the road.” Dean answers flatly, slowing down only to make a turn and then speeding the car back up to the illegal spead with ownership grade control. “Diffently not in Kansas.” This remark, which Dean was rather proud of, got him a class A bitch face from the younger Winchester.

“Please tell me you know where we are?” Sam says, sounding both annoyed and worried at his older sibling who, glancing up in the review mirror edgeingly gave the simple response of “I know where we’re going.”

“God Dean! We could-“

“Oh relax, Sam. We’re fine. You think Dad would let it go if I got us lost?”

“Whatever, just keep your eyes on the road,” Sam grumbled, laying back into the seat and crossing his arms. Just as he was closing his eyes, a wad of paper hit the side of his head, causing him to jump and bang his arm on the car door. He herd snickers from the front of the car and threw Dean a glare.  “What?” He hissed.

“Do you have service?”

“No! Why would I have service!?”

“Thought I’d check.” Dean shrugs, but Sam catches on. .

“You wanna call Castiel don’t you?” He had a tone to his voice that caused Deans fingertips to itch in the urge to smack him.

“Shove it.” He growls, glaring at Sam though the review mirror. The boy chuckles but lays back, his eyes closing as he was about to fall asleep

When another wad of paper hit him in the side of the head.

Castiel made it out of the classroom in one piece but ready to fall apart. It had quickly become obvious to the teenager that his anxiety over public presitations was still in full force seeing as he now felt ready to paint the floor with his lunch. The walls seemed to be spinning and it felt to Cas that someone was gripping him by his throat, cutting off his breathing to where he had to take quick breaths; that might have something to do with the spinning walls.

After a stop to the bathroom and giving the toilet said new paint job instead of the floors, he felt slightly better, if he excluded the nasty taste lingering past his lips. He spat a few times in attempts to rid himself of it, but this stuck around. Finally, deciding he would be late to practice if he didn’t move, Castiel left, slipping a piece of gum into his mouth as he left; mixing with the foul taste of his puke, the mint was anything but pleasant, but he ignored his uncomfort, knowing it would mask the smell of sickness on his breath.

As it turned out, that was a smell he had no need to worry about, seeing as his teammates and himself didn’t have a chance to speak before running out to the field. Hour after hour of hard, breakless practice, they returned to the locker room all smelling about ten times worse than Castiels breath ever could. And the team was ready to riduclule him about something far different than his breath.

“Cas! Dude! There’s a rumor going around you broke up with Anna, what gives!” Max asks, cocking an eyebrow at his teammate. “You guys just did something Monday night and you looked fucking happy Tuesday.” Cas thought back to when the guys had spotted his Dean-created hicky and assumed he had finally “got with” Anna; Cas hadn’t bothered to correct them.

Bruised: A Destiel AUWhere stories live. Discover now