Chapter 5: Another Day, Another Broken Heart

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“Ebony, love, you can’t injure my friends. I won’t allow you.  I love you exceedingly, but this is a mistake! Darling, this just doesn’t make any sense.” Drakko desperately tried to convince Ebony.

Ebony wasn’t enthused. She barely paid attention to anything that Drakko said. “But Drakko, I’m not just going to do this for us, I’m going to make a new world! A planet where there isn’t classes or discrimination. There won’t be any unfairness or inequality. We can rule all of civilization! You and I, Drakko, wouldn’t that be wonderful? I will be the queen and you will be my privileged servant. That’s what you’ve always wanted, isn’t it; to rule the world, to have someone to call your own. Your affair with Maribella was a pathetic excuse for love. She never loved you, not like I do.”

“I don’t understand. You say you love me, and then threaten to kill my beloved? The best offer you’ve given me is to be your slave? Is that all I ever meant to you?”

 “Honey, you’ve always meant something to me. We were destined to be together, you and I. Fate chose your path to meet with mine. Don’t you believe that? I will fight you if that’s what you need. If you need to die to see that you only lived when you were with me, I’ll kill you. I couldn’t care less about you mangy earth beings. Killing one more won’t make me sad.”

Ebony started to walk out the door. I moved out of the way so she wouldn’t see that I was watching. Before she moved all the way out of the door, she said one more thing to Drakko:

“Tomorrow is the day the world will conclude, and a new era will arise. If you want to try and stop me, come to the cemetery two blocks down. Goodbye, Drakko.”    

After Ebony had left the house, Drakko came into the main room, where everybody usually hung out. He looked completely distressed. I decided to try to comfort Drakko.

Drakko sat down on the couch and put his head in his hands. I walked up to him.

“The world is going to fall apart, Angelique, and it’s my fault. We’re all going to die. I’m a dim-witted, brainless prat who didn’t realize that his girlfriend was using him. I should’ve known! I should’ve listened to Blake when he warned me. I cocked up. I was an idiot.”

Blake stepped in, with an aggravated look on his face. “It’s not your fault. Girls will make you fall in love with them and then they’ll let you down. They’re unpredictable. You never know when they’ll betray your trust; you never know when they’ll break your heart.” Blake looked straight into my eyes. After he spoke those painful words, he went out the door.

My stomach tossed. I knew that what Blake said was aimed at me. It upset me to know that I had hurt him as much as I did.

I wanted to talk to Blake; I wanted to tell him that I had changed my mind. I wanted to say yes. Blake probably wasn’t listening to any of my thoughts.

“Blake, I’ve changed my mind. I want you… to be with me. I need you, Blake.” I sent my thoughts to him. I didn’t know if Blake was listening, but I hoped that he was.

Blake just walked out of the room, not caring about what I had to say. It hurt to think that Blake and I may never be friends again. I reminded myself to think positively, as Jayde said.

I had hope. I didn’t have much of it, but I still had some. I wasn’t sure how to react, or what to say. A part of me was wishing I could relive that one moment; the moment where Blake asked me to be his girlfriend. I wanted to say yes. I wanted another chance, but I didn’t think that I was going to get it. Tomorrow we were going into battle, tomorrow some of us could die. Tomorrow the world might end.

What was I supposed to do? What did Blake expect of me? I was under too much pressure, with the war, Blake, Ebony, Drakko… It was just too much.

I decided to go out, and maybe get some fresh air. I needed to think about what I was going to do next. How was I going to bring it up to Blake? I wanted to talk to him; I needed to talk to him. I desired to make things right.

I wasn’t going to argue with Blake; I wasn’t going to battle him. He was one of my best friends and I wasn’t going to let that fade away. Everyone else was right. Jayde said that I should embrace the unexpected, and Blake wasn’t a child, so I didn’t need to “babysit” him. Maribella told me that I wouldn’t regret taking a chance, so why should I be afraid. I’d rather try and fail then live my perpetual life wondering what could’ve been.

I came out of my room, and walked over to Drakko sitting on the couch. He was distressed, and I felt the same. He was probably a good person to talk to about my dilemma; he knew Blake more than anyone.

“I heard about you and Blake. It’s his loss.” Drakko’s cinnamon eyes peeked out from his hands, and he smiled.

“No, actually, it’s my loss; that’s why I wanted to talk to you, Drakko. You know Blake more than anyone else, and I need your advice on how to bring it up to him. When he asked me to be his girlfriend, I said no. I regret it and I want to say yes, but he won’t talk to me. I need a way to get to him.”

The door opened, and Maribella and Armando came into the room. They were laughing and smiling. Maribella took Armando’s hand and led him to their room, probably to get some privacy; but then she ran out.

Maribella clapped her hands and did a little jump. She seemed really cheerful. “Oh! Drakko and Angel, this is Armando. Armando, this is Drakko and Angel.”

Armando nodded. “It’s nice to meet you guys...”

Maribella grabbed Armando’s hand and they ran into Mari’s room.

Armando smiled. “So I guess I’ll see you guys later… Bye!”

Drakko and I picked up right where we left off. “Another day, another broken heart, darling; sometimes you make a bad decision and by the time you change your mind, you can’t go back. Blake isn’t a cold-hearted boy, and he will start talking to you again, but not yet. It may take a while, but if you stick with it he’ll come around. He loves you, Angelique, and he won’t be able to resist you for long.” Drakko’s words were comforting, and a smiled and hugged him. I wasn’t the only one who needed support.

“Thanks, Drakko. Do you think we’re ready for tomorrow?” I looked hopefully into Drakko’s deep ginger eyes.

Drakko sighed. “Honestly, love, no. I don’t know how we’ll do it, but we have to stay strong if we want to even have a chance at winning this battle. It’s going to be a struggle.” Drakko looked at the ground and closed his eyes for a moment. He then stared into my eyes. “I suggest that if there’s anything you’d regret not doing, you do it now while you still have time. Take all those risks you’re scared to take, tell someone how you really feel; we don’t know how tomorrow’s gonna end up.”

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