Chapter 3: Curiosity Kills the Cat

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Some say that if you work hard enough, everything will fall into place. I’m hoping that statement is correct.

            I had fallen asleep on the couch sometime earlier. When I woke up, it was sunset. Blake was awake, pacing around nervously. The Ebony situation was really tearing him apart, and I could understand his pain. He was even more upset than I was. It made sense; after all, he might be included in the millions of humans killed.

            I was starving. I just couldn’t wait any longer for blood. No one but Blake and I were in the room; Maribella and Drakko were somewhere else. My head hurt, it was excruciating and aching.

“Blake! I need blood!” I screamed. If I had to wait another minute I don’t think I could resist drinking Blake. He stumbled around, his mind obviously wasn’t here. All I could see was me drinking sweet blood, seeping into my hungry mouth. “Blake! I need it now!” I shouted. It drove me wild. I needed blood, yet I didn’t have it.

            Blake looked so delicious from afar and even better close. No one would know, right? I couldn’t control myself; I had to satisfy my appetite. Thoughts of blood filled my mind. I walked slowly towards Blake, who wasn’t paying any attention to my thoughts.

            Usually I would restrain from eating humans, but I couldn’t keep myself away from Blake’s delightful smell. It filled the room and made me hungry. I walked closer, making sure that my footsteps could not be heard by human ears.    

I snuck up from behind and bit hard. The human blood tasted heavenly. Blake yelled loudly but I couldn’t hear it. I couldn’t hear anything. Maribella rushed down the stairs and Drakko followed. They pried my teeth from his neck. Drakko started yelling but I couldn’t hear a thing. I was too focused on the taste of Blake’s blood. It tasted amazing.

            After I was out of my trance, I couldn’t remember what happened. I didn’t know that I had bitten Blake. Blake was lying on the floor, looking fragile. I rushed to his side, frantically trying to get him to say something, or give me a sign that he was okay.

            “Do you realize what you just did?” Maribella asked. I stared blankly and tried to remember; I couldn’t. What did I do?

“Bloody hell, Angelique! You almost killed Blake! Do you have any reason for that?!” Drakko yelled. He was really upset, and I was clueless on why I was the reason. What did I do?

“Will somebody tell me what happened? I don’t know why everyone’s so mad at me. I would never hurt Blake; I couldn’t.” Maribella dialed an ambulance for Blake, hoping he could survive without becoming a Vampire. He deserved to have a say when he would be like us.  

Blake had mentioned wanting to be a Vampire before. That didn’t mean that he wanted to be a Vampire now, but he had considered it. He thought it would be fun to experience. Blake liked new adventures; it was one of the things I liked about him, among many other things. He was always calm and happy until Ebony came and messed it all up.

“You drank Blake’s blood! And now, he might die because of what you did. What is your excuse? What could give good reason for trying to kill Blake?” Drakko was pissed off, to say the least. I was crying out of frustration. How could I have hurt Blake? I was hoping and praying that he would stay alive.

Maribella put the phone down. Everyone was restless and dismayed.  I Drakko checked to make sure his heart was still beating, and looked horrified. Blake didn’t have a pulse.

When the ambulance came, they just told us that they couldn’t do anything to help. Maribella and I were crying; no one knew what to do. Drakko paced around; he was trying to figure out a way to keep Blake human. Everyone was freaked out. I was trying to remember how to save a human’s life. All I could think about was the horror of killing Blake. He would come back, right? What would happen if he was a Vampire?

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