Chapter 2: Friends for Eternity

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To my surprise, I had fallen asleep sometime during the day; I can’t remember when.  I didn’t know that Vampires could sleep, but I’m okay with it. Drakko was sitting beside the bed that I was laying on.

A cheerful female voice started to say to me, “Good morning sleepyhead! You finally woke up! We’ve been waiting for you for hours. I personally thought you were dead, except for all the talking that you were doing in your sleep. I’m Maribella, and you’re Angelique. Can I call you Angel?” So this is the girl I’ve heard so much about? She was incredibly beautiful, with short blond hair and large auburn eyes. I could see what Drakko saw in her.

“Sure, you can call me Angel.” I’ve known her for two seconds and I’ve already got a nickname!  

 Drakko left the room within minutes, possibly hoping that Maribella and I would bond. “Hey, Angel, wanna go to the mall tonight? The stores will be open for us and you need some new threads; you look too human, don’t you think?” I thought about the offer; I hadn’t gone shopping since I awakened, and I did need clothes other than the ones Drakko let me borrow. 

“That sounds fun! But aren’t the stores closed at night?” I asked.

“Oh, sweetie, you have a lot to learn. When the stores close for the day, they open for Vampires. How cool is that?” All these years I thought stores actually closed at night; but really, they open just for my kind. Maribella’s right, I do have a lot to learn.

Drakko walked back into the room, smiling. He asked, “How are my favorite loves doing? Angel and you look like you’re having a good time.”

Maribella replied, “Angel and I are doing just fine. I am a little famished though. It’s good that the sun’s about to go down. What about you Drake?”

“I’m doing quite well. I was thinking that we should get a bite to eat. Does that sound all right?” Drakko smiled.  

I replied, “That sounds wonderful! When will we be going?”

Maribella looked puzzled. “I’m guessing that you haven’t learned how to use your other Vampire senses?” she said. I have other senses? Nobody informed me of that.

Drakko told Maribella, “Angelique hasn’t yet learned to sense when the sun is down; we’ll have to teach her.”

“I can be trained to sense when the sun is down without even looking outside? That’s so cool!”

“Brilliant it is,” Drakko said, “but it’ll take a while to learn.”

I asked, “How long? It won’t take years, will it?” He and Maribella laughed.

“Don’t get too impatient,” Maribella told me, “a year feels like days when you’re immortal. Sensing the sun will take a couple of months, tops.”

“So how is your… boyfriend?” Drakko clearly asked this question just to be polite, because he doesn’t care about what happens in Armando’s life. Maribella smiled; she knew how little Drakko cared about Armando.

“Armando’s doing well; we’re practically glued together. I was originally planning to visit him tomorrow, but I think I might have other plans.” Maribella glanced my way; I had a feeling that her plans for tomorrow had to do with me.

Drakko asked, “What are your plans for tomorrow? Can I participate in those plans?”

“I don’t think you’ll want to come with us; we’re going shopping. I’ve got to get Angel some better clothes, ones that didn’t come out of your closet.” Maribella laughed.

For the first time in a long while, I was really excited! “I can’t wait! It’s going to be a lot of fun.”

Maribella sighed. “So… I’m starving, when are we going to eat?”

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