Prologue: The Beginning of the End

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Prologue: The Beginning of the End

          I’m awake, or at least I think I am. All the memories came rushing to my head; the pain, the blood, and the high-pitched screams. I should be dead, but I’m not. In the black night, I could see the scenery like it was daylight. Every noise, every scent; I could identify it all. Everything was crystal clear. In my head, I could remember every relationship, thought, and event that had occurred in my life. The date is May twenty-eighth, or so I think. My name is Amy Williams, and I am eighteen, that part I am sure of. It is unclear why that name feels so foreign to me now, or if I’m really alive.

           My neck hurt. I touch the injury, and when I see the blood on my hand I realize just how hungry I am. Unlike before, my hunger isn’t for a cheeseburger and fries. I was hungry for one thing, one nasty thing: Blood. I don’t know why or how all of this happened, but I have a horrible feeling that I’m going to find out soon.  Questions filled up my mind; I felt like crying. What would I tell my family? Would they notice that I was gone? That was a stupid question; of course they would notice. The real question is whether or not they would move on. Would they cry for my loss? Would they send people searching for me? And if they found me, would it put them in danger?

            I had heard tales of people who died with bites on their neck, but I had never thought that they were true. My older brother, Nicholas, would try to scare me when I was little with stories of the Bloodsuckers and the Werewolves. I never actually believed him because I thought that he was just trying to pull a prank on me. Except now, everything I had ever thought was just in fairytales was coming to life right before my eyes. How much of the stories were true? I wasn’t sure how to stuff this in my brain without exploding. The same longing question worried me. What was I? I knew that I wasn’t human. I couldn’t be, because I felt powerful, wise, and at the same time strange. It felt weird to be in this body, like I was trapped. I didn’t want to be alive, but somehow, I was. Then I pondered the same question again. However, with each passing moment I grew closer to only one conclusion: I am a Vampire.

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