Part 20

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Chaos filled the city.  The reason was the earthquake. People panicked, ran around searching for their loved ones, and tried to avoid injuries.

Now some people don't see what the problem was. There was just a little rattling. But in one part of Central City it destroyed buildings.

Or a building,  the building of  chaos and destruction.

Iron heights had been destroyed. All the metahumans and just your normal thieves and killers   that were held there were on the loose. The Flash was once again overwhelmed. 

It took three long weeks, and everything was back to normal. The meta's were back in their cells, and the prison was semi-finished. At least enough to be secure.


"That. that was smart." Jay said to the shadowy figure in front of him.

"I got to admit though, at first, I didn't believe that this was the right way to go. I mean, the stomach flu?  Doesn't seem like the type of thing I would do. But giving him the illness, distracted him from what was happening around him, what is really coming. The death of his Dad was genius, making him drown in his own sorrow and rage." Jay chuckles.

He continues, "The earthquake, letting all the metahumans loose, that was also a distraction. Tell me what your real plan is."

The figure emerges from the shadows, "Why to kill The Flash of course. We hurt him enough inside and he'll shatter. Then we make our move."

Sorry for not posting! I wanted to post this so you have a little something. I'm writing more but I'm making sure you have a post today since I have been so inactive lately.

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