Just The Beginning

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This is my first fanfiction so I hope you enjoy!

Barry POV

Barry had just finished stopping a robbery. He was back at STAR labs now. "Hey Barry you okay? You were a little slower then usual." Cisco asks. "Yeah. Maybe just a little tired." He said, and he was gone in a 'flash.' He was heading to CCPD for work.

Barry is sitting at his desk putting together some evidence for a new case. His mind kept wandering. He couldn't seem to concentrate on his work. He had this headache that felt like little micro worms eating away at his brain. Joe then struts through his door. "Lunchbreak! Come on lets go." "Umm, go where?"Barry asks Joe. Sometimes he can be really confusing. "Big Belly Burger remember?" Joe says happily. "Oh. Right..." Barry had been looking forward to to going back there for over a week now, but today? His stomach thought otherwise. They went out the doors and hopped into the car. The pot holes on Fifth Ave weren't helping. "So... not too talkative today are we?" Joe says in the car. "What? Uh no I guess not." Barry replies a little dazed.
When they got their food they sat down at a table for two near the window. Joe got a burger with lettuce and tomato and Barry got a cheeseburger. Barry ate half his cheeseburger and one or two bites on the other half. "Aren't you supposed to be eating like four of these?" Joe asks chuckling. Barry just looks down at his burger with a blank expression. "Hey what's wrong Bar? You can talk to me, you know that right?" Joe asks now worried. "I'm fine. Nothing's wrong." He replies unconvinsively.
Barry POV
All Barry was doing right now was trying not to throw up all over Joe and the table. Eating wasn't such a good idea. He concentrated on trying to hold down the half of a cheeseburger he just ate. His headache really wasn't helping him do so.

When it was time to leave Barry still wasn't feeling too good. He stood up and immediately felt dizzy and nauseous. He clutched the side of the table heavily for support. "Barry are you okay?" Joe's voice sounded muffled and far away. Barry started to feel sick to his stomach. He tried to concentrate on his breathing. Deep breaths. In and out, in and out. He told himself, I'm not going to throw up, I'm NOT going to throw up, I AM NOT GOING TO THROW UP, urgh I feel like I'm gonna pu- *gag*
Barry looked pale, like really pale. He was trying to ask him if he was okay but Barry had his eyes closed and was clutching the side of the table. His breathing was heavy and uneven. "Barry are you feeling okay? You look like your gonna be-" Joe was cut off by the pained sound of of gagging. Barry's half eaten cheeseburger burger made a re-appearance on the floor in front of him. Joe was rubbing circles into Barry's back, waiting until he was done. Joe left Barry at the table and went up to the front counter to tell a the workers what happened. When he got back Barry was gone. Joe found him in a bathroom stall. The poor kid wasn't having the best day. When the nausea passed Joe asked, "Do you think you can make it to the car now?" Barry nodded and stood up. Joe helped him to the car. Barry sat in the passenger seat and leaned his head against the window. Joe felt his forehead with the back of his hand. He was burning up. "Bar why didn't you tell me you weren't feeling well, I would've understood?" Barry just shrugged, his eyes glazed over and went back to looking out the window.
Barry POV
"Joe I don't feel good." "I know you don't Bar." Joe said not looking at Barry. Barry's stomach lurched. He gagged and put a hand over his mouth, the other on his stomach.

To be continued.......

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