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Iris gave Barry a bucket as they walked toward the car. He hasn't had to use it yet so that is a good sign, I hope. The last couple times he didn't throw up for a while he threw up either on himself or all over the floor. He held it back as long as he could until it was too late. What he should have done was throw up when he needed to instead of holding it back as long as he can. In the car Barry had his head leaned against the window probably from the coolness of it. He closed his eyes and groaned softly. "Barry it's okay." He looked at her with confusion. "You can use the bucket, you don't have to hold it back." She said. He just looked away. Iris took him not using the bucket as a bad sign, since he didn't seem to be feeling any better. He started gagging two minutes later. He used the bucket three times during the car ride after that. When they got there Barry looked slightly worse then before. His cheeks were bright pink but the rest of his face was white as a sheet. He looked miserable and tired. When they got inside Barry sat down in the chair. Joe put a hand on his shoulder. "Hey guys." Cisco said. "Caitlin told me Barry was sick, well he was sick earlier but-" He looked down and saw Barry miserably looking up at him. "Oh. You look terrible." Cisco said. "Thanks." Barry said in a hoarse whisper and went into a coughing fit. Joe rubbed circles in his back. Barry swallowed hard. His face turned green. "Dude you look like your going to be sick." Cisco said worried. "Iris!" Joe said since she had the bucket. She quickly handed it to Joe who put it in front of Barry who started throwing up again. "Oh you brought your own bucket." Caitlin said as she walked in. She waited until Barry stopped. "Are you done?" She asked. "No." He said just before he started up again. This time in was only dry heaves. He just started sobbing. "Make- it- stop" he said between heaves. Everyone's heart broke in the pain this was causing him. After it stopped he looked at Iris who came over and gave him a hug. He was crying into her shoulder again. "Shhhh. It's over now. It's over." She says softly to him. "That h-hurt s-so much." He says still crying. "I know, I know. Let Caitlin look at you okay." He nodded and said,"Mmhmmm." Caitlin first turned to Joe. "How much has he eaten recently?" She asked. "Well he started puking and after a little bit he was dry heaving and it ended exactly like that. So I gave him toast and soup. Maybe and hour or so later he started puking for ten minutes into a trash bin and Iris moved him to the bathroom and then I called you. And you know the rest."
"Barry." She said turning to him who had a tear stained face. "I really need you to eat something for me, can you do that?" He shook his head no. "It will make you feel better. You can have anything you want. Crackers might be good." He nodded. "Crackers." He said.

He ate the crackers and slowly drank a glass of water. And then another glass. "Are you feeling any better?" Iris asked him. "I dunno." He said. "Just want to sleep." He slurred his speech a little. "You can sleep after. Caitlin has to examine you." Iris says. "No" he whined. "Bar you're very sick and you need to get better." Joe said to him. "Fine." Barry said finally.

"Okay I'm going to start with taking your temperature." He nodded. All he wanted to do was sleep. Now that he stopped throwing up so much he could. But no he had to get 'examined'. He closed his eyes after Caitlin stuck it under his tounge. "Barry you need to stay awake I know your tired." He just glared at her as she took the thermometer after it beeped. "It's quite high, we need to cool you down after." She said. "Will I be able to sleep?" He asks his eyes pleading. "Yes but not right now." Barry just looked at the floor. "Okay next I need to see if it's the appendix." She pushed on some spots and to her realief that's not what it was. "Okay I'm thinking it's the flu. You have the symptoms of a cold and the stomach bug so it must be the flu. Let's see." She got ready and all the suddnen Barry said, "No way you are not poking me there." "Barry I'm sorry but I have to." He just frowned. She pushed on the places. "Ow, ow! That hurts!" He said. "Yep flu." She said.

He sat back on the chair, leaning his head on Iris's shoulder. "Can I sleep now?" He asked when Caitlin came back. "Yes." He smiled and they helped him to the 'Barry Bed' as Cisco named it because he was often in this bed. Barry fell asleep almost instantly and Caitlin got a cold washcloth to put on his forehead.

"Hi I'm here for the interview!" A girl walks into STAR labs. "Oh you must be Anabelle!" Caitlin exclaims. "The one and only." Anabelle says smiling. "Okay take a seat over here." Caitlin smiles back as they walk over and sit down. "So I hear your a scientist. Is that right?" Caitlin asks politely. "Yep." She nods. "What makes you want to work here?" Caitlin says looking up from her paper of questions. "Well I have always loved it here. All the things you can do. Ever since I was a little kid I have always wanted to work here." Anabelle says thinking back. They carry on with the rest of the interview.

I know this one is very short but I am going to start making the next chapter right after I post this one so it will be up in an hour at least, maybe two. So how do you like the new character? I named her Anabelle, I thought that was a pretty name for our new friend. I'm going to make this an actual fanfic book, not just a sickfic after he gets better. Leave suggestions in the comments for a new title. If you think of one as the story carries on then let me know! Love you guys😉

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