STAR labs

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Barry woke up to blinding light shining through the curtains. That just added to the searing pain in his head. He was wonder what time it was and why the house was so quiet. He glanced at the clock and mumbled, "9:12, they must have left for work." He got off the couch a little to quickly and black spots swirled his vision as he stumbled. "No don't pass out." He whispered to himself and tightly shut his eyes as he swayed. He was beginning to feel very nauseous. "Great." He muttered as he breathed heavily, opening his eyes to find his way to the bathroom. He felt very dizzy and couldn't walk strait.

Barry just made it to the kitchen sink before vomit spewed out of his mouth. This happened over and over again until he stumbled backwards into the chair. He put his head in his hand trying to get rid of the aching pains. He stayed like that for a few moments before speeding off to STAR labs, he knew he couldn't take care of himself like this.

"Anabelle can you go in the other room and get that for me please?" Caitlin asked. "Yeah sure." Anabelle replied walking away. Just then Barry superspeeded in, luckily Anabelle didn't see. He didn't look to good but she thought she should ask anyway. "What are you doing here? Are you feeling better?" He shook his head and said, "I was lonely" with a shrug. He folded his arms around his stomach and groaned softly but Caitlin didn't see this, she was lost in thought. "Joe and Iris left you alone!?" She was very angry right now, he obviously cannot take care of himself in this state. He nodded which looked as if that caused him to get dizzy because he swayed a bit. He groaned louder this time and shut his eyes. "Imgonnabesick!" His eyes shot open and he puked all over, not having enough time to move. "CISCO GET IN THE CORTEX NOW!" She yelled into the mic. Barry started vomiting again and Caitlin yelled into the microphone, "CISCO!!!" She went to the corner of the room to get the trash can and put it under Barry's chin and slowly moved him away from where he got sick, and he continued to get sick into the trash can. She rubbed his back and she felt him tense up before he started gagging again. Cisco walked in, "Oh not again I just cleaned the floor!" Barry along with Caitlin shot him a look before he started gagging again and Cisco put his hands in the air, "Okay, okay I'm sorry! I was just a little surprised that Mr. Speedy here threw up all over himself and the clean floor, again." Cisco said pointing to Barry. "Cisco he couldn't even move, he felt dizzy and his eyes were closed." She said a little annoyed because it wasn't Barry's fault and the one time Barry got sick Cisco was being inconsiderate. "He's sick for God's sake! What do you expect?" Caitlin shouted at him. Cisco looked at Barry as he got sick again. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have yelled at you, I just thought you didn't care." She said looking down. "I do care. But I just cleaned the floor..." He said with a smile and they both laughed.

"Hey here it is the-" Anabelle trailed off as she saw the floor and fixed her gaze on a boy with his arms crossed over his stomach, moaning before he threw up in the trash can Caitlin held under his chin. Her eyes widened. "Is he okay?" She asked with concern. Caitlin nodded as he threw up again. "Can I help?"
"Yes you can get him a fresh shirt. There are some in that drawer that are about his size." Caitlin said pointing and Anabelle went over and got a grey STAR labs shirt. Caitlin took his shirt off and put the clean one on. "Cisco can you take care of this shirt and get the bed ready please." She turned to Anabelle. "Can you watch him for a minute while I get a mop to clean this up." Anabelle and Cisco both said some variation of 'yes' and Caitlin left as well as Cisco.

Barry was still throwing up into the trash can when he started dry heaving and nothing came up. He was now crying hysterically. "Hey, it's okay. You need to breathe, you're going to make yourself sicker. Just relax." She started rubbing his back and whispering words of encouragement.
He calmed down and stopped heaving. A minute later Caitlin came back.

When Caitlin came into the cortex with a mop she was amazed at how calm Barry now was. She could hear him dry heaving and sobbing from the other room so it was a surprise to see him almost completely calm. "Wow, how did you do that?" Caitlin stared at her.
"Well I um..." Anabelle blushed and looked at the ground. "I don't really
"Well whatever you did worked. Let's get him to the bed."

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