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Barry decided to run, that was a good decision and a bad one. Mostly a bad one. He was okay for maybe, two seconds. He was rushing to STAR labs so Caitlin and Cisco could help him. He was almost there just one more block.

Barry sped into STAR labs. He looked really bad. "Oh my gosh Barry you look terrible." She said. "Yeah man, you look sick, really sick." Cisco said. Caitlin kind of glared at him. "Maybe we shouldn't have let you go out there with a fever-" " Uh guysss..." Barry groaned loudly. "Oh uh, sorry. What's wrong?" Caitlin asked getting back on task. Barry's arms were wrapped tightly around his abdomen and he was hunched over. Caitlin quickly took note of this, "Oh! Your stomach?!" He nodded his face tense and strained. "Caitlinnnnn" He started gagging. "Urgh." he groaned putting a hand over his mouth. "I got it!!" Cisco says running over to Barry with the trash can. Barry superspeeded over to him and grabbed it out of his hand. Cisco jumped out of the way as soon as Barry started expelling his insides into the trash can. After that Barry was laying on the cool tile floor breathing heavily. After five seconds he quickly shot up and started throwing up in the trash can again. This happened two more times until he passed out on the floor. The whole time Cisco and Caitlin made sure they were several feet away from him until they were sure he was done. "Okay let's get him to the bed." "Alright then I will probably take care of that after." He said pointing to the trash can.

"He's dehydrated. We should stick an IV in him." "Okay. I will get some soup for when he wakes up, we have the canned stuff in the cupboard right?" "Yes, and get the thermometer too please." Caitlin said feeling Barry's forehead with her hand before she stuck the needle in him.

"Urghh.." Barry said rubbing his eyes. "That was fast sleepy." Caitlin said and knowing Barry had no idea what she was talking about, "You passed out after you threw up four times and were dehydrated badly." "Oh sorry..." Barry said looking down. "You also were burning up with a 104 degree fever." Cisco says walking in with soup.

Just then Barry's phone rings, it was Joe. "Hey what's up Joe?" "I got everything here except my CSI." "Oh sorry, I will be there in a minute, literally." "OK see you soon." "Bye." Barry hangs up. "You're not leaving." Caitlin says sternly." "It will be quick and I will come right back after, promise. And I actrally feel a lot better, I was probably just dehydrated." Barry says quickly with his pleading eyes. "Fine. But you come right back after." "Yes mother." Barry says laughing which turns into a coughing fit, where Cisco and Caitlin exchange worried glances and before anything else culd be said Barry leaves.

When he got there he noticed how cold it was at the crime scene, so he put his jacket on. He was still freezing. "Hey Bar." Did someone say his name? Look around. Oh it's Joe. "Oh hi." Oh God Eddie is with him (I decided to have Eddie in this because, and all my friends think I'm crazy, I like Eddie in the show, he is a good charecter. But he should leave Iris alone so she can be with Barry)

"Hey Barry." Eddie says to Barry with a friendly smile. "Hi Eddie." Barry says back and his eyes glaze over. "So did you have a look at the evidence?" Joe asks. "Umm what?" Barry asked snapping out of it. "The evidence." Joe says raising his eyebrows. "Oh that. Yeah it looks like... umm yeah, no I didn't look at it." Barry says to the floor. "Well then get to it." Eddie says with a chuckle. "Barry can I see you for a sec." "Uh yeah sure." Barry says quickly standing up, he sways a little but then balences. Joe takes him to the corner. "Where were you before you came?" Joe asks. "Joe it's Saturday, I don't work on Saturdays." "Oh yeah, you only work if your called in and then you work the rest of the day." "Yep." Barry says and akwardly looks at the floor. "What's wrong?" "Uh I'm just thinking about what that evidence means." "But you said you didn't look at the evidence." "Oh yeah I did. I forgot." Barry says and Joe looks confused. "It's sugar." "Oh okay." Joe replies still confused. "Joe, Barry, come on let's head back." "Okay." Barry said.

Barry just disobeyed Caitlin. So far so good! But it's soooooooo cold. He was sitting in his lab in front of his computer screen, when it felt like the temperature dropped, again. Only this time he was inside. He still had his coat on but he hugged himself to keep warm. He kept thinking, what is so special about Eddie, Iris barely even knows him and she has known me since we were kids and- there was a little knock on the desk. "Barry?" Speak of the devil. Barry nearly jumped out of his chair when he noticed that Eddie and Joe were in front of him. "Jeeze you guys scared me!" Barry tries to say but it came out like a whisper. A raspy whisper. Oh so now I'm losing my voice. He cleared his throat. "What are you doing here?" Barry asks politely. "We just told you we came for the file for an old case that you have... but then it seemed like you couldn't hear us, so I knocked on the desk." Eddie said. "Oh ok this one." Barry said handing the file to him. "Yep thanks."

Joe and Eddie were standing in his lab talking to each other about the case. Barry was akwardly sitting there. He was so cold. "Barry are you okay?" Eddie asks, but Barry didn't hear him he was just staring at the wall. "Barry. Are you okay?" Eddie asks louder. "What? Yeah I'm fine." Barry says. No he was not okay. He felt like death. He was so flipping cold. He had a terrible headache, he really needed to cough but he wasn't going to in front of Eddie, that would make him seem weak. His nose was all stuffed up and it felt like a bad metahuman had punched him in the stomach. "Barry are you sure? You look really pale." Joe asks concerned for his adoptive son. "I said I feel fine." Barry said. "Allen you're shivering." Eddie says very concerned. Joe walks over and feels his forehead. "You feel very warm." Joe says. "But I'm so cold!" He practicly yells the last part. "We should get you home." Joe says with sympathy. "But Caitlin said to go back to-" "I'm sure she will understand." Eddie jumps in. "Let's go." Joe says

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