Chapter 1: Jungkook

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Jungkook's POV:

Everytime I see her, my heart feels like it'd jump out of my chest.

It's strange, really.

Whenever she's around, my eyes would automatically drift to her direction: How she smiles, eyes twinkling with such rare innocence and hope and dream. How she talks, with her light and gentle voice. How she moves, there's just something incredibly attractive about her every small gesture: the way she runs her fingers through her silky hair, the way she pouts, the way she bites her lips when she's nervous,...

She intrigues me greatly, Minatozaki Sana.

At first, I didn't notice her at all as I was too busy being a troublemaker to pay any attention to new students and such. My life was boring so I often got into fights because those seemed to be the only times I could actually feel alive. My grade wasn't bad but my reputation was horrible. Though there weren't any concrete proof, many rumours were spread about how ruthless and bloodthirsty I was, which actually wasn't very far from the truth. Violence was my escape, and it wasn't as if I thought I did anything wrong because the ones I beat up were always either bad seeds or cocky challengers who needed a taste of defeat. I never got caught and never felt any remorse.

That was until I met her.
Our first meeting wasn't a casual one. Somehow, she wandered into that part of neighborhood during one of my many fights. Usually, people would avoid that route at this hour so I didn't expect anyone to trespass, much less a girl. She looked terribly out of place, like a princess - with silky long brown wavy hair, comfy sweater and white knee-length skirt - in the middle of a ruin. She was spacing out and perhaps wouldn't have noticed anything if it wasn't for that throaty noise from the defeated fool that laid in the corner. As her eyes finally greeted what could be considered a gory scene, I waited for her to scream and run away.
However, it didn't happen.
Instead, she immediately approached the guy I just beat into a pulp, face full of worry and concern.

- "Are you okay?" - The girl checked his pulse and temper, not caring if his filthy blood smeared on her pale hands. - "Please refrain from moving too much. I'll get help." - She hurriedly took out her phone and called someone. All the while I stood out of view and watched. It wasn't that hard to hide my presence as her focus was solely on the guy laying half-death on the ground.

- "Do you know what happened?" - Or so I thought. She suddenly turned around and looked straight at me, completely caught me off-guard. Normally, that would signal the part where I hit the witness's pressure point to knock them out cold. However, maybe it was the momentary shock, her stunning beauty, or perhaps her innocent gaze casted some sort of weird magic on me but I didn't do it this time.

- "You have bruises too." - She frowned after inspecting me from head to toe. The scary thing was that I couldn't run away either, just stupidly standing there, rooted on the spot. - "Here, let me help you." - She clumsily strode over and took out a bandage to stick on my face. - "Sorry, it's the only one I have right now. Just wait a bit, help is coming."

She smiled assuringly then got back to the much more heavily injured's side. I silently observed how she gently massaged his neck and whispering comforting words. She's a strange one, indeed. I wondered if she really couldn't put the pieces together and realize that I was the one who's responsible for his current condition.

'Whatever' - Knowing that I should leave before anyone arrive, I walked away... only to be stopped by a firm hand on my shoulder.

- "Not so fast." - A tall guy wearing a robe with embroided unfamiliar Japanese characters glared at me. He looked only a bit older than I was, sharp eyes quietly judging my every move.

- "Please help him." - The girl's voice cut through the tension. I glanced back and saw several guys in white coats carrying the injured fool on a stretcher to the ambulance. She was going to follow them but suddenly halted midway. - "Are you coming with us?"

It was clear the question was directed at me. I shook my head and dusted the tall guy's hand off my shoulder.

- "I'm fine." - I turned around and was about to leave when I heard her last words.

- "Hope to see you at school."


It later dawned to me that I was wearing the school uniform the day I met her. Judging by what she said, it seemed like she also attended my school. Curiosity got the better of me as I caught myself wondering about her, wanting to at least know her name.

- "Anyone came to mind?"

He looked at me incredulously, as if I just asked the stupidest question ever.

- "A taller-than-average girl with long wavy brown hair? How about one-third of the female population in this school?"

I sighed. He was right.

- "Forget about it. I shouldn't have asked."

The guy gave me a dirty look.

- "Tsk tsk, you can't just go ask Kim Taehyung about a girl and leave empty-handed." - It just happened that Kim Taehyung, my closest ally, was also the infamous number one playboy of Starx Academy. - "Is she pretty?"

'Very.' - I almost blurted out. - "Kinda."

Taehyung put a finger on his chin, seemingly lost in thoughts.

- "I have three names in mind." - He said. - "Might be Chou Tzuyu or Krystal Jung."

I raised my eyebrow.

- "That was only two though."

Taehyung laughed.

- "Well, the third one is kinda impossible so I crossed her out."

I nodded. It could be one of them, even if the chance is not entirely that high. However, considering her unique beauty, I didn't think Taehyung would miss her if she actually went to our school.

- "Oh, I'm very sorry!" - Coincidentally, a familiar voice greeted my ears. It was hers, I was certain.

- "Sana?"

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