Chapter 20

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-porscha's back.  🙃


August 31st
Present Day

I called August for what seemed like the 100th time today. Today is the anniversary of Mel's death. I'd been calling him to make sure he was ok, but I've yet to receive an answer. I knew the day it happened, Aug would be scarred for life.

8 years ago

August didn't come to school today, but somehow he told one of his boys to let me know he would be picking me up immediately after school.

August's absence in school was normal. Because of the life he lived, money came first (most times). In Aug's mind, running the streets was how he imagined himself making a living for the rest of his life. He was perfectly fine with that because he had little faith in himself. He knew he wouldn't make it out of New Orleans alive, because there were so many people like him that didn't make it past the age of 25.

I believe in Aug and I know there is something much better for him than the life he knows here in New Orleans. I pray for his safety and well-being everyday, because the streets doesn't love anyone.. not even me.

I walked out of the doors of my school, and like he promised, Aug's truck was parked right in front. He was leaned up on his truck talking to Devin. He dapped Devin up when he saw me, and told Devin he had to go.

"Miss me?" He asked after we shared a kiss.

"Of course I did."

"I kno' ya' betta' had." He walked to his side of the truck. Leaving me to open the door for myself.


"Ya' hungry? Ya' Wanna eat?" He asked.

"I'm starving." I sighed.

I try my best to eat breakfast before I leave for school in the morning. If not, I go the whole day without eating because lunchroom food at my school is disgusting.

"We'a ya' wanna eat?" He took his eyes off tha' road to look at me for a split second.

"It don't matter."

Aug smacked his teeth, "He'a ya' go wit' dat bullshit, mane

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

Aug smacked his teeth, "He'a ya' go wit' dat bullshit, mane."

"Go anywhere, Aug. it really doesn't matta' ta' me!"

August Alsina - SecretKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat