"And your topless why?"

"I told you I can't sleep with a bra on. I just wear my panties to bed. Does this bother you?"

Crap! I can't admit that I'm scared. That wouldn't be manly and I don't want to make her uncomfortable.

"Not used to being with a beautiful woman. Man I feel awkward."

"It's okay. Help me get dressed and let's get to the club room."

"Ya sure thing. And thank you again."

"Of course. Can we walk together?" She asked.

You blush. "I can wait for you."

She gives you a hug. "This affection thing is new to me? How am I doing?"

You gasp.

I think I'm getting super attached to her. Big time too. But I can't let her know that.

"I think you're doing very well. I'm new at this myself."


"Welcome everyone" Greeted Rias. "We have to go to an abandoned mansion to kill a stray devil. I think it has something to do with Asami as well. Be on your guard (FN)."

Everyone steps in the summoning circle and teleports.

Getting there the entrance of the mansion was a blood bath. A woman came out from the couch.

"Did you come to play with me?" She asked.

"Saru you have ran away from your master. Surrender or we take you by force." Said Rias.

"Well let me think." Said Saru.

"Times up." You come striking with your sword aiming for her mid section.

"Right behind you." Said Xenovia.

She dodges as you kick off the wall and attempt again. You miss again but Xenovia hits her mark.

"You bitch!" She screams as she's transforming. She becoming a giant beast half the size of the epic tall ceiling.

"Eat this" She yells aiming a strike at Xenovia.

"Not her." You get in front of it. The attack hits your sword but the power is so strong that it throws you against the tall ceiling and you come crashing down back first. You cough blood and pass out.

He sacrifices himself for me? What's that about? No matter we still need to take her down. For FN.

"My he's quite cute. Maybe I could have use for him." Laughed Saru.

"No he's mine." Snapped Xenovia.

"Actually he's my servant." Said Rias.

"This is making me hot. Let's get our revenge." Smirked Akeno licking her fingers.

"Perish bitch!" Xenovia cut her with the sword and Rias and Akeno teamed up to blast away Asami to hell.

Asia goes over to your side to heal you when the coast is clear.

"(FN) are you okay?" She worried.

You didn't respond since you were still blacked out.

"He's a noob but he did good." Laughed Issei.

"Don't be a buzz kill he took that blow like a man." Said Akeno.

Koneko picked you up over her shoulders. "New guy has had it for today. Let's go."

"She's right. Cmon let's go home everyone." Said Rias as everyone vanished in the magic circle.


You wake up being spooned by Xenovia. It was night time when you flipped over and saw her. She wasn't asleep yet.

"Good evening." She greeted.

"Same to you. What happened. I don't remember anything."

"You took a blow that knocked you unconscious. You hit the ceiling and fell straight to the floor. Asia worked a little on you and I hoped that you would be up before I went to bed." She smiled and stroked your (HC) hair.

"You were close to falling asleep weren't you?"

"Close." She admitted. "Your hair is so nice and the (EC) eyes match so well."

You blush. "Thank you. I tried to protect you during that blow. I was scared if it would hit you. I know I had a mother of a fall but it was well worth it."

"You did it for me? How can I repay you?" She grabbed the back of your head.

"You don't owe me anything. You would do the same right?"

She inches forward and kisses you. You are thrown off guard and your eyes are wide open.

"How was that?" She asked.

"I think it felt great." You smile. "What about you?"

"I don't know. I've never kissed someone before." She puzzled.

"Neither have I. But I'm happy are you?"

"Yes. Would you like to cuddle?" She wrapped her arm around your side.

"Absolutely. Goodnight Xenovia."

"Sweet dreams (FN)."


Admin- Well Xenovia is the serious and boring type really. Also can lack the street smarts. But even though it's hard for her to be affectionate she knows what it is and what it means.

Next chapter will be more training and writing down ideas about a Rating Game. Oh so many ideas it's hard to choose.

Anyways takes for tuning in, hope you have a lovely day, and thanks for the support. You guys are awesome.


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