The Final Chapter

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I've been staying under this fallen tree for about a week now. Never moving, just thinking. "Why would Blake do a thing like this to me?" I sighed at my rumbling stomach before getting up for the first time in awhile. I guess I'm done thinking, and ready to move on as a loner. But I can't help but wonder why. Why did we have to fight in the first place?

Then, I heard a rustle in the bushes and backed up. It turned out it was only a rabbit. "Wow, I'm so jumpy today." I muttered to myself as I moved to catch the rabbit. It never saw me coming.

After I had eaten, I turned around to walk back to the fallen tree. Once I reached the fallen tree, however, I noticed that something else had occupied it while I was gone. Standing in between me and the tree was the biggest bear I had ever seen. I was shaking violently in fear. Maybe I should just back up. No, that was a bad idea. Now the bear was chasing me through the forests' thick undergrowth. Eventually, I would have to turn and fight. I sighed, annoyed by this, before turning around and jumping on the bear. It growled in rage and threw me off immediately. Owww, that hurt! I saw the bear rushing towards me, and I braced myself for the impact that was sure to come. I waited a few seconds and, confused, I opened my eyes to see why I wasn't dead. Tyler!

Tyler was battling the bear with such ferocity, I couldn't believe it. Once he had knocked the bear out, Tyler raced towards me. "Blake, are you okay?! I'm so sorry! I was so mean to you! Once you got exiled I couldn't believe it! I missed you so much! I'm sorry we ever fought!"

I chuckled, then paused, hacking up blood. "Why did we ever fight? I'm sorry too Tyler." But before I could feel the darkness envelop me, I saw Blake get tossed to the side by the (now fully recovered) bear. "Tyler, no!" I whined weakly. "Why the hell did we both have to die, brother?"

"My brother."


I'm sorry if anyone thought that this was an abrupt ending to the story, but oh well. I hope you liked it. And don't be mad at me for how the story turned out! I'm sorry, but this was planned from the start! Thanks for reading both 'Moonshine' and 'Brothers'. I'm really happy that so many wonderful people like you are reading my books. Thanks, it means a lot. Please comment on what you thought of 'Brothers'. Also, if you are reading this on a laptop, listen to the song on the youtube video on the right. It is the theme song for this book.


The third book in the trilogy (after "Moonshine" and "Brothers",of course) is up and published! It is called "Darksyde." Enjoy!

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