Waking Up

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I groaned as a bright light shone in my face. Then I opened my eyes. "Riko, you're awake!" Leasha yelped excitedly.

"How long was I out, honey?" I asked.

"You suffered quite a beating from Bone and his pack. You were unconscious when we found you and have been like that for two days." Maki stated, walking up casually.

"Oh, hi Maki." I said.

"Good to see you awake, Riko." Maki replied.

"Who all is here and where are we?" I asked.

"Well......Mom and Sharp are here, and so are Leasha, Xavier, and my pups. We are actually in Xavier's pack camp right now." Maki answered.

"Wow." I was speechless.

"I know, freaking crazy right? Maki said.

"Duh," Leasha cut in. "Anyone would feel weird after being unconscious for two days."

Heather scoffed as she padded into the den. "Right now Riko needs rest. Not you two conversing all day. Now shoo!"

"Fine." Maki and Leasha muttered as they sulked out of the cave.


"Thank you for letting us stay here until Riko gets better." said Leasha as soon as we were out of the den.

"Oh, it's no problem, really." I answered, embarrassed. "I'm gonna go find my pups, want to come?"

"No thanks." Leasha replied.

"Okay." I said before taking off. "Tyler, Blake, Dalila!"

"Mom!" called Blake, making his way over to me. I sat down, waiting proudly. My boys act so much like their father. And even though Dalila isn't related to them by blood, they are getting along really well.

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Hello my awesome readers! Sorry, this chapter was more of a filler. It is also short. I am sorry. And I am excited for the next few chapters! I'm not giving anything away, but I'll tell you this: There is a lot of epic-ness coming up! I can't wait to type it! So, now you know you have something to look forward to. Please vote and comment! The comments I have been getting are GREAT! Thank you!

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