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Today's the day. I'm gonna do it. This is the day I impress Dalila and win her heart! I hope it goes well....

I was walking through the woods, silently waiting. Then I heard something. Finally. There was no mistaking that misty gray pelt. It's Dalila. Yes!

Almost immediately after noticing her, I saw a light brown wolf walking beside her. My heart stopped. My chance at being happy, gone. Apparently, Tyler had to take that from me too! I turned around and ran. I ran as fast as I could. Home.

When I got there, I went into the cave and sulked. 'I can't believe it!' 'Why does Tyler have to have EVERYTHING!?' 'I get that he's the heir, but he should not have every single thing to himself!'

When Tyler came into the cave that night, I jumped on him and snarled "Tyler!"

Tyler winced at the pain of my claws digging into his shoulders and answered, "What are you doing?"

But I ignored him and growled in rage "Why did you take Dalila from me!?"

But Tyler just chuckled. "I didn't take her. She chose ME."

As I was overcome by a fresh wave of fury, I spotted mom looking at us in shock and dad leaping on top of me to free Tyler. 'Crap! Now I'm going to get in trouble!'

Dad dragged me outside the cave. Literally, he grabbed me with his teeth and drug me out there. "Your brother is my heir, therefore you should NOT try to kill him!"

"But he-----" I got cut off by my dad swiping his paw across my face. I roared in pain.

But dad acted like he didn't care. "I'm able to see more clearly now why I chose Tyler as my successor. Get out of here Blake! Never show your face in this pack ever again!"

My heart throbbed with pain. My own father was casting me out? This definitely wasn't fair. But I had no choice. Blood poured from the wound on my face as I turned and ran. I didn't look back once. I just wanted to get the hell away from that place.


I'm sad now. That chapter was........ difficult to type. I hope the story is still okay for you though. Thanks for reading, despite the pain. Poor Blake! I feel so sad for him! But I knew that this was going to happen sooner or later. It's a main part of the story! Anyways, thanks so much for reading! Please vote and please comment! Please? Thank you!

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