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(Silhouettes - Of Monsters and Men)

I put the twins to sleep before making my way back downstairs, Aunt Wendy joins me in the kitchen, "your grandparents will be here in the morning," she hands me a glass of wine and I mutter my thanks.

We sit in the kitchen nook, as Lisa prepares us food, "you need to eat Amoura," I nod as I rest my head on my hands, "I am exhausted,"I mutter as the door opens, "Amoura?" I hold back a growl, "tell him I'm out." I sneak out as Chandler makes his way to the study.

I make my way to an undisturbed part of the backyard and sit down, "I could really use a drink. Or a cigarette." I sigh as I leave the backyard and make my way deeper into the forest. I run, no obvious direction, but anywhere that isn't blocked.

I stop when I reach the road, I kneel over to catch my breath. I have to go back. I have to go back. I have to go back. I have to go back.

I lean against a tree as I realize I rather be anywhere but here. I get up and make my way back to the pack house. It was almost night time when I arrive. "Amoura where did you go?!" Sara rushes over to me, "I needed to clear my head so I went for a run. It's been a long day Sara." I walk past her, grab the wine bottle and head upstairs.

"For someone who wants to be Alpha you sure aren't acting like it." I stop and look back at her, "who said I wanted to be Alpha? My plan wasn't to come back here because our parents died. I don't want a title I didn't earn. I didn't ask for this title, but  this is their pack and I'm their daughter so I'm doing this for them." I look away and continue walking up the stairs.

"You're so selfless," I don't wait to respond, "no Sara what I am is tired, I'm tired of standing in the shambles of the aftermath I won't let what they love become ruble, I will fix this." Sara stay's quiet this time.

I return to the study after checking up on my daughters, "Amoura?" I hear yet it takes me a few moments to realize it's me they're talking to. I look up and see Chandler in the doorway, "what?"

"I get your pack comes first but we need time to talk to. We are mates and you shouldn't do this alone." I stop him, "please go Chandler, right now what I need to focus on is this pack, and you're only annoying me." I get up and walk off, "the pack has gathered in the dining room," Lisa comments and I nod and walk in.

"To those who don't recognize me or those who don't know me I'm Amoura Stone, the Stone Alpha's oldest daughter. I'll be taking over as Alpha. If you're not happy about that too bad, we are all in the same boat now, let's focus on helping the pack recover from this."

I hold back a growl, "can I help you Alpha Blackhart?" I turn my gaze to Heminsworth, he throws a quiver onto the floor, "your hunters crossed into my territory."

"And? Do you need help getting rid of them?" He growls, "we need to talk," I turn and sit down, "we have nothing to talk about," before Heminsworth could respond Chandler speaks up, "you heard her, my mat-" I cut Chandler off, "I don't need you to defend me. Go home Chandler, as for you Alpha Blackhart unless you can tell me who killed my parent's we have nothing to talk about."

Heminsworth wasn't paying me attention instead he was glaring at Chandler, "what did you just say?" I stop their arguing, "both of you! This isn't the place, Alpha Blackhart do me the favor and make this place slightly less crowded by leaving and Chandler go home, this isn't the time. You two are giving me a headache." I growl, "Now!" They walk out and I head to the study.

"Now will you speak with me?" I look up and see Alpha Langston's son. "About?" He walks up to me, "about you being my mate." He walks into the study, "didn't I just tell you to go home?" He nods as he walks up to me, I move back when he tries to touch my cheek. "Don't touch me."

"Kinda cold for a woman." His comment which is meant to be a joke only angers me, "Kind of idiotic for a man. Get out of my sight," I walk out, "you can't ignore me forever. I am your mate after all."

"One way to find out." I walk around the forest before returning an hour later. "There you are Love Bug." My grandmother walks up to me and hugs me, "I thought you were coming till the morning?" They nod and tell me they got an earlier flight. I pull away and explain to her I was out back in the forest.

You and going places you shouldn't. Now, what is this I hear about you not wanting to be Alpha." I force a smile and look at Lisa, "this pack is full of tattle tails," My grandfather hugs me next, "nonsense we just all believe you should be the next in charge. Its what your parents would have wanted."

"They also wanted me to be in the S.I.D.O that's where I am now." They give me a look.

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