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Amoura continues the rigorous training only to gain minimal results, the Captains training her unit only worsen their treatment as Amoura makes no great improvement over the course of the five weeks. She stays behind on the track field trying to run the five miles under twenty minutes, she can't even make it in the thirties time frame.

"Can I ask you something?" Kelly walks over to an exhausted Amoura who's on her hand and knees.

"What?" She bites through exhausted gasps of air.

"I don't mean to insult you, but you're a wolf, why are you so weak?" Sunit asks.

Amoura speaks through pants, "I was a weak child, so I was never allowed to do anything for myself."

Sunit looks at her, "Anything, anything?" Amoura nods.

"I couldn't go outside for the fear of falling and getting hurt, couldn't walk down the stairs in fear of tripping and breaking something, couldn't get myself a glass of water in fear of it being too heavy and hurting myself. I couldn't do anything, apparently, I can't do this either. My parents knew that but they shipped me off anyways, they just wanted to get rid of me."

She extends her hand, "I don't want them to get rid of you, you're the only one here who isn't a phony. Come on I'll help you, we'll start with your breathing, that's what steals your stamina the most," Sunit helps her up and they start jogging as Sunit teachers her the proper way to breath.

"Why didn't they let you do anything on your own?" Sunit asks as they take a minute break.

"I was a miracle baby," Amoura rubs off the sweat with her forearm.

"So they couldn't get pregnant then you happened?" Sunit asks Amoura.

"No, I was conceived by two people that weren't mates, I shouldn't have survived childbirth, but I did. Instead of helping me grow accustomed to things they did everything but wrap me in bubble wrap. I was fragile like a flower, one wrong move and snap." Amoura looks at her feet.

"But you heal within seconds, I've seen you heal, we've all had," Sunit points out and she nods.

"Those aren't my natural healing abilities, my health improved when I was eight -" Amoura trails off after she realizes her healing abilities started working after she met Hemsworth.

"Eight?" Sunit asks and Stone nods.

"Yeah my health started improving one day, and I wasn't weak after that," She ignores the coincidence and leaves it at that, a coincidence.

By the end of the sixth week, Amoura's running time improves a bit but Sunit wasn't ready to move on to another Amoura problem.

She returns to the bunks on her day off only to change into work out clothes and goes for a run. She trained whenever she could.

The days creep by at the Academy and Amoura advances in her physical training. During the eighth week the Academy began the educational portion, in the last two weeks they learned about S.I.D.O.

"Gather around recruits! Now the course behind me is a mixture of everything we trained you in from the last two months. Make it under eight minutes and you graduate. Pass the eight minutes and you'll be seeing my pretty little face for sixteen more weeks."

"Prepare yourselves you have until the day after tomorrow for come Monday morning you all will get on this course and if you fail you will be stuck here. Dismiss."

Sunit and Stone jog off to the track course. "Recruit Stone to the front. Recruit Stone to the front." 

Amoura shrugs when Sunit asks if she knew who it was. "I was called sir?"

"You have a visitor, won't tell us who her parents are aside from asking to see you," He points to the chairs in the front.


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