I Have To Protect You

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I got home at 2, Nico was with. Mom invited him over for a late lunch seeing Alex had somebody over. But she seemed a little worried.

"Everything okay?" I asked Mom.

"I hope so," she told me," Alex asked about you, if you were fine and I explained or at least tried to explain you just got back from a rough year it's been a bad time, to give you time and eventually it'll improve. But when I told him who your dad was he didn't seem to believe it. Also said you tried to make him feel better by saying you could control water this morning after telling him he wasn't allowed to use his pyrokinesis in the house. Then his dad showed up and I can only hope they're not fighting. Please tell me your dad isn't coming."

"Mom, we don't talk," I told my mother," you know this. So if he is, then I wouldn't know."

If you're wondering how we didn't know about Alex's dad was we came in through the fire escape, not wanting to wait to be buzzed up and crap.

We go out into the living room, Mom to start lunch so it'd be done when Paul gets home and the guy looked fairly handsome, I'll give that to him. He had ebony black hair and bright green eyes, which made him seem more like my dad than Alex's. But he had a lot paler skin, seeing he was Swedish and Irish mixed. Then an array of freckles were splattered across his whole face.

He saw us.

"Your mom had two other kids!?"

Not knowing Mom was in the kitchen.

"No, just one," I informed him," Nico is just a visitor here."

"Are you sure you guys don't have the same dad?" Jayden, an old friend of Alex's asked the two of us," I mean, its more believable right now that you guys are related, not you two. "

"No, I'm pretty sure I only had one kid. Unless Sally had twins and never told me."

"We're a year apart, Dad."

Another knock.

"Come in!" We all said at once.

And here walks in Tyson with my father.

"I'll be in your room," Nico told me.

And off he went. My father went to use the restroom and Tyson, not noticing me, seeing my back was to them and what not, he saw Mom and went to hug her. Mom treated Tyson as her own even though he wasn't. But he didn't really have a mom, so. That's how she is with Nico, too. Both her and Paul are. Which is really nice that they don't think of him as my brother that isn't my mom's. But he's Tyson.

Jayden pointed as where my dad had gone.

"By chance," he suggested," was that your dad?"

I nod my head.

Alex's father remarked saying he looked like a nice man.

"So who's the other kid?" Alex asked me.

"My brother," I answered," he's not related to you. Half sibling. You didn't miss anything like that. Mom acts like he's her kid but that's because his Mom died I believe. Something like that."

This is when Charles realized he mistook the situation. Noticing Tyson was younger.

"Your parents aren't married anymore?"

"They were never married," I corrected him.

"Oh god, sorry," he seemed like a nice man. Charles did. Kind of like Paul is," I mistook the situation."

"Its fine," I assured him," I would, too. Seeing he showed up how he did. "

"I mistook it, too," Alex added on," Percy, you don't know your dad. Remember? That's not your dad."

I sighed, rubbing the bridge of my nose.

"If you don't want to be here with Mom, Paul, and I, you don't have to be," I told my older brother," it's your second day home after being gone for 5 years. You don't seem very happy that Mom remarried so I doubt you'll even want to know she's pregnant 3 months along. You don't seem to want to get along with Paul, you don't seem to believe a single thing coming out of my mouth, and once you hugged Mom and said hi you turned into a total asshole towards her like she knew nothing and you knew everything. Just because you're the oldest doesn't make you the most experienced, it doesn't make you the wisest, and it doesn't make you the best. Are you smarter than me? Probably. You can't play a victim card, not in a household where Mom grew up almost entirely on her own, Paul has to raise his 3 siblings because his mom killed herself and his dad did drugs to the point he forgot he had kids, where we were both abused until we were teenagers and you were thrown into a world of genetic fuck up systems and I was thrown into a world that almost everyone I knew died. You can't play your victim card, nobody can. You can on your dad, on Jayden. I will not take that shit, though. You're okay, you're alive. That's what matters. Stop acting like we're not worthy of talking to you because you have these stupid powers that you want to toy with and maybe remember that we're family."

"Family!?" The word pissed off Alex and I could sense my dad behind me, and I didn't want to deal with his shit. Not today," what family, Percy!? You insist we have one but where is it!? Okay, you and Mom haven't told a single truth—"

"Bullshit," I called you," Mom told you about my dad, I told you about my powers. Its not your fault you didn't want to believe it."

"Your dad isn't a god! You can't control water! As much as you want that! As much as you always wanted to control water, Percy, you just can't!"

My Dad said nothing, watching this.

"You think I asked for it!?" I asked in return as Paul walks in," I didn't ask for anything aside a fatherly figure that would just be there when I needed it! I didn't want a god as my dad or some ancient Lord to make me this powerful ass kid! Okay, I hate it! But do I go around yelling it 24/7? No. I suck it up because life is tough and I can't change what I have. Just because I'm not happy with the Dad I have doesn't mean I totally ignore the fact that he is my dad."

And I realized what came out of my mouth.

And how much my dad probably hated me right now.

But dam it felt good to say it for once.

I didn't want to be the hero. The leader.

But I am.

And that's how it goes sometimes.

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