I Don't Want For You

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The middle school crush that was kidnapped with me and we stayed in the same room and started dating 3 years ago and he ran away 6 months ago from the place. I was caught. He wasn't. We both agreed we'd probably never see each other again. No hard feelings.

But here he was. Working at a tattoo parlor. Just at the desk. Getting off his shift.

Percy took off and I walked over to my boyfriend. I am gay. Rather Percy is bisexual. And he asked when I got back and a few different things as we walked out of there and it... I was just happy he was alive. That he survived the trip back.

He asked about Percy.

"I..." I tried to explain, " he hasn't said much that I haven't asked. He's kind of toned down his ADHD a lot. He doesn't seem to have nearly as much energy. I've only been there for two days, but it's starting to worry me a little bit. That there's something wrong that he doesn't want to tell me. I used my powers a little bit to mess around and he got pissed off about it. Not that I had them, that I used them. He said using them when not needed is how people get hurt and made up some bullshit that he has kinesis this and kinesis that. Like I said, bullshit. Kind of grew into an older brother."

"That sucks," Jayden remarked, " I always liked Percy and how much energy he had and how he could always make you smile. Have you asked?"

"He wouldn't tell me, I know him better than that," I answer," I mean he told me about Gabe, but Gabe isn't even around anymore. I'm not sure what happened to him, but Mom remarried."

"Isn't this like her 4th husband now?" My boyfriend questioned.

"2nd," I told him," she was going to propose the night her and my dad broke up so that never happened and even I never knew Percy's dad. She went to the cabin while I went to a friend's and she called and said she wanted me to meet somebody that week and the week came and he wasn't around. He left. She always said he didn't have a choice to go, but I don't know, I never believed it. At least I know who my dad is, I just don't care to know him. Percy doesn't even know his. Unless Mom finally told him. But yeah. And then now. They've been married for a year or two I think."

He came over and Mom was home. I didn't know where she had gone to, but Percy might've. I didn't care that much to ask, she said she'd back around noon in the note. It was 12:30 when we got there and she was home, so. Percy was gone. Mom said he was with a few friends, would be home before dinner.

So I decide to ask.

"Mom," I said, earning her attention," is Percy okay?"

"What do you mean by okay?"

"I mean like," I tried to elaborate," I don't know, he just seems more... Quiet. Maybe secluded? I don't know, he didn't say anything. The only thing he's really told me about is Gabe and that's because I asked. Aside that he's asked about me and lectured me about using powers in the apartment."

Mom sighed.

"That is a rule, I forgot to tell you yesterday, I suppose he didn't know that, though," Mom reasoned," and as of your brother... Its hard to explain, Alex. He's gone through a lot."

"Like I haven't? I got the worse hand of Gabe all the time."

"I don't mean about him," she corrects me," I mean more recently. He hasn't told me everything, okay, he got back on the 17th. He was gone, too. Not for 5 years. It was just one. But it wasn't going through tests. It wasn't being experimented on."

"Then what was it?"

"Did he tell you about his father?"

I scoffed.

"Percy doesn't know his dad," I told Mom, " Mom, I don't even know the man."

"Yes he does," my mother corrected me," they met the summer after you were taken away. And as much as they don't exactly get along or like each other or whatever, his dad is a very unique, very special person."

"You had a kid with him, Mom, of course he's special."

"Not in that matter," she explained," who he is as a being. His name was Poseidon as I told you when you were little. And he wasn't named after anyone, he is Poseidon. The god Poseidon. Making person a demigod or a Half-Blood. A powerful one at that. He goes to a camp full of demigods that are basically out to take care of gods issues. Especially when Olympus is threatened to be destroyed. Which has now happened twice. The first time when he was turning 16, and this past year. And this last year was a lot worse. Okay, he's going to be distant and quiet, he's getting over a lot of things. A lot of death, a lot of shock. Just give him his space."

I laughed.

"Mom, don't be insane," I told her," gods aren't real, especially those ones. Okay, Percy didn't fight war or anything, he's not even old enough to join the military. If he would've met his dad he would've told me. You don't have to make up stories. I'm not a kid anymore. I'm not a baby."

"Okay, fine," Mom told me," then ask your brother when he gets home. He'll tell you the truth."

"Mom, he told me he could control water this morning to make me feel better, no he won't."

"Suit yourself."

And there was a knock at the door.

My father.

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