You Freak

330 19 1

Percy (right) Nico (left)


And the best part: he returned the kiss.

When we pulled apart he smiled. Something he ever so rarely does anymore, ever since Bianca died.

"So you figured out I was gay," Nico put together," what gave you the idea I wouldn't throw you over the terrace?"

"A guess and a prayer," I answered," plus, if you are gay I don't think you'd have that crush on Annabeth."

"No," he agreed," I suppose not, but what gave you the idea that it was you?"

"A prayer."

For a minute it was silent between us, only the sounds of the city behind us. And the piece of shit he is.

"My gods you're short."

I punched him in the chest.


"You're the tallest guy at Camp," I remind him," everyone's shorter than you."

"As true as that is," he agreed, " I think I smell cookies and pizza."

We head back inside and he was right. There was cookies my mom made and pizza Paul made. Paul once told me he wants to open up his own pizzeria. I seconded that it'd be cool because he does make amazing pizza.

"By the way, happy birthday," he suddenly remembered.

"Thanks," I thanked him as we started to dish up and somebody knocked once again.

"Did you invite somebody else?" Mom asked me.

"No." I told her.

So she goes to answer and for a while there was no noise and so I go to check and see if everything's okay and I'm bestowed with my older brother standing at the door.

"Hi," he suggested," can I come in?"

We both nod our heads and let him inside. Or Mom did, I was still towards the dining room area.

"Oh my god, Percy!" Alex then realized who I was, and ran over, almost tackling me in a hug.

"Alex," I have seen a lot, but for some reason this seemed hard to believe. That he was back," hi, how.... Where...?"

"Somewhere in the LA," he told me," I snuck out and got a part time job until I could afford to come here. When I got to the old apartment they said you guys had moved and gave me this address. But holy shit you're tall."

"I'm 17, not 7," I remind him.

"And I'm 18," he agreed," you're taller than me now. But I got some sick powers where I was at. It was like an experiment testing place."

I just rolled my eyes.

"Show me later, we're eating right now," I told him and he joins us, Mom rejoins us, also.

Let me tell you, it was very awkward.

After we finish eating Mom and Paul went to get the cake.

"Okay, who in the hell is that other guy?" Alex asked me," and where's Gabe?"

I laughed.

"He's dead," I told my older brother," Medusa killed him. And the other guy is Paul. Paul Blofis. He's our step-dad. He's not an asshole, don't worry."

He considers that.

"Okay," Alex went with it and points at Nico," did Mom adopt another kid? Like I'm sorry, but who is this?"

"Ah, yes," I said,"this is Nico my....." I motioned at Nico and looked at him, "what would you be in reference to me now?"

Nico just looks at me and the smoothest thing I have ever seen a demigod do:

"Your boyfriend."

Just like that ladies and gentlemen, I have a boyfriend.

"Oh my god, seriously?" And of course Alex got excited," when did this start?"

"Like 45 minutes ago." I was honest.

Well we all hang out and Alex claimed his own room, which, when we moved, we set up the exact same way as it was in the old place. How it was left when he was taken. Started to unpack what he brought with and whatnot. Leaving Nico and I in the living room.

In which we passed out on the couch.


We didn't see what happened with Nico and Percy. We looked when Nico started majorly blushing, yes. But then the cookies timer went off and so did the pizza one. So we never saw what happened.

Sally explained the other kid that showed up was Alex. Just to get it out of the way. It was his 18th birthday, so we added Alex's name to the cake. Thank Gods we didn't say how old Percy was on the cake.

Well we get back and Alex was unpacking in his room and we didn't pay attention but Nico and Percy weren't in his room. I assumed Percy would at least fall asleep considering he got like 5 hours of sleep last night.

And I was right.

Because they were both in the living room, on the couch, fast asleep with Sherlock on TV.

It was a DQ Ice cream cake so we put it in the freezer and wrote a note saying they were cute as all hell and we were going on a walk, be back in 20 minutes.

And I mean, it was true, they were cute together. They always bickered like an old married couple, I've been waiting for them to get together ever since I met Nico at Percy's 15th birthday party.

I'm not joking when I say Sally and I have had heated discussions and arguments over Percy and Annabeth versus Percy and Nico.

The question is: what does he tell Annabeth?

By the time we got back they were awake and Alex had finished unpacking. So with that we had cake and ice cream.

The night went well, Nico did stay over as played and of course something we all dread: nightmares.

We got the luck that both Nico and Percy got them. And of course Sally and I wake from it and figure it's just a nightmare, fall back asleep.

None of us exactly took in the consideration that Alex is back and unaware of these types of issues we often do have.

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