Chapter 2-Diagon Alley

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I woke up suddenly, cradling my head, "What the heck!? Sirius!" I yelled at him. He had got up causing my head to drop on the hard floor.

He grinned, "Rise and Shine! We got to go and clear my name, so I have to get you on that train as soon as possible."

"At least change how you look, Mister-I-Am-Sirius-Black-and-I-am-wanted-for-murder."

"Huh you're right, but how. I can't really use magic, otherwise I would be tracked."

"Says the man who wanted to test out my magic."

He grinned sheepishly.

"I'll be back," I say to him. I went out and didn't need to go far, because I found a couple who had exactly what I needed, right here. They were busy looking at each other's eyes. I will call them Bob and Paul. So in love. I shook my head. Took the things I needed from them and returned to the cave.

"Here you go, Sunglasses, and a fedora."

"What are those?"

"Are you serious?"

"Again, I am, but again I am not."

"You love your name, don't you?"


"O-kay," I rolled my eyes. I don't know why, but Sirius and I feel like old friends, I wonder if he noticed that as well.

We then walked to Diagon Alley which surprisingly wasn't far.

The wizarding world was right outside my grasp. Freedom just a few blocks away. Acceptance, right around the corner. I crossed my arms to my chest.

We crossed through, and we entered the streets of Diagon Alley. I smiled, it was beautiful. The building structures, the wizards in robes, the noise, and most of all no one gave me a dirty look.

Sirius handed me a key, I looked at him confused and jumped out of my thoughts, "What is this for?"

"You will need this to enter my safe in Gringotts. I need to change; people are getting suspicious. I will meet you as you exit, don't wait up for me. I will find you."

"Okay," I shrugged.

I walked into the building, Sirius's key in hand.

"Key please," my hands where sweaty. I wiped the sweat on my pants.

"Why do you have a murder's key?" Oh shoot. Time to play my ace.

I opened my eyes wide, "What? A murderer's key? That man who gave it to me didn't tell me that."

"When did he give you the key?"

"A week ago, in a park not far from here."

"Well, since you came all of this way, go ahead follow me." I followed him and we went into the vaults. He said something in his Goblin language about a dragon. So I muttered, Dragon.

He gave me a look. I shrugged. When he opened the vault I got in and took out two pouches. Filling up one for Sirius and the other for myself.

I finally got out of the vault and there was Sirius sitting on his hind legs, looking at me. I walked towards him and he stood. Wagging his tail, and I followed him. He took me towards Olivanders.

"Do I really need one?" I asked.

Sirius barked once and nodded.

"Okay, if you say so..."

I walked in setting off the bell. A man hurried to the front, wide eyed, and hair messy, he seemed a little tired, but nice regardless.

"Hello, hello, here for a wand are you? Strange I thought I had given you one once before, Ariana."

"What, this is my first time here?"

"Huh, oh I must have mistaken you for someone else, never mind that. I am getting old."

"Are you by chance a Dumbledore? The resemblance is uncanny."

"I'm not sure,"

"Sorry, sorry. I am getting off track. Hold out your dominant hand and try calling for your wand."

"Okay, if you say so," I said dubious. This isn't how Harry got his wand, but regardless I did as the old man said. A wand fell into my hand. It was an eleven inch, dragon heart-string core laced with venom, and the outside looked to be a unicorn horn.

Another wand was in front of me also, but it gave me a weird vibe so I purchased the Unicorn one, which was again oddly familiar. It cost me five galleons.

"The wand was made by a Dumbledore. Very curious," Olivander said.

After getting fitted for robes, and buying supplies. I went into the pet store for the heck of it. I looked around and felt something perch on my shoulders.

"Why hello there, what is your name," I say.

"I am so sorry about that, we recently found that phoenix and brought her in."

"She is awfully pretty."

"I can't believe I am saying this but why don't you keep her."


"She obviously has taken a liking to you, so have her."

"I am going to name her Blaze, let's go Blaze." Blaze nuzzled me. I left and Sirius eyed the bird. I was looking for Sirius who went off somewhere.

I ended up in a dark corner and walked through, people here gave me looks and avoided me.

"Hey you."

I looked around, "Me?"

"Yeah, listen, I'm trying to sell this broom, you willing to buy it?"


"Okay listen it's a good quality broom, very rare, I swear. It can shrink down to fit in your pocket and works very well."



"Yeah, why not. How much?"

1000 Galleons Later, I am a proud owner of a broom. I know a scam when I see one. This is the real deal. Living on the streets really teach you things.

"Ari, over here."

"Ever tried a butter beer?"


"Well come on."

We sat at a cavern and sipped on our butter beers.

"Are you excited?" Sirius asked, "I can only imagine how your feeling."

"Yeah, what about you. Are you ready to clear your name?"

"Hell yeah!" He said excitedly, but not too loudly.

"I missed these," he said frowning.

"You were locked up for a long time, weren't you?"

"Yeah, but it would be worth it if we catch that rat, and bring justice."

"Yeah, thanks Padfoot."

"No problem, just remember to grab that rat when you can."

"It shouldn't be a problem, but we should go as we are getting a few glances."

"Yeah good idea, Moona."

"Whose Moona?"

"Oh, sorry. I mistook you for an old friend, you remind me a lot of her."

We walked in silence. Whose Moona? Why am I mistaken for someone else? Something is definitely up, but I can't wait for tomorrow.

Dumbledore's Heir-RemasteredTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang