Chapter 4- Gryffindor

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"Better be... Gryffindor."

I was surprised. I get to be in the house with my new friends. McGonagall smiled at me and led me out so she can now call the names of all the first years joining the school.

I sat down next to Harry and his friends, "so you're in Gryffindor?"

"Looks like it."

I looked around and saw several people staring and whispering. I looked down.

"Why is everyone, staring at me?" I asked quietly.

"It's probably cause you are new," Harry said.

"I think it's because she looks a lot like a younger, female version of Dumbledore."

I looked up at the teacher's table, and saw them staring at me. My eyes met a familiar pair of blue eyes. Eyes that I see in the mirror. The eyes of Dumbledore. Who was looking at me like a ghost. I then looked at a man dressed in black, who gave me a look of disgust, then my eyes met Remus's, and he smiled at me. Which made me feel reassured and much more calm.

Dumbledore, came up to the podium after everyone was sorted and gave a speech, which led to food magically appearing in front of us. I piled up my plate, as I hadn't ate anything all day and dug in. I finished early and left to the common room, people were giving me strange looks as I was new and leaving, but no one stopped me. I arrived to the portrait as the lady in the painting asked me for the password.

I found myself saying, "Lions." as she swung open. As I entered the common room my eyes traveled to the well lit room, with red and gold colored furnishings. Gryffindor was extremely celebrated here.

I ended up finding my room, and where my stuff was waiting for me. I collapsed on the bed, falling into a deep sleep, Scabbers can wait.

The next morning when I awoke. I found myself getting up and taking a shower and put on my school robes.

"Are you Ariana," someone asked me when I left the common room.


"Dumbledore, wants a word."

I frowned. I suddenly felt nervous. Was I caught? Was I found out? Did they know I didn't actually transfer here?

I walked quickly throughout the halls my shoes clicking against the floor. I reached a gargoyle and said, "Lemon Drops," then the gargoyle started to move and I walked up the steps to Dumbledore's office. I looked around in awe, forgetting momentarily of my troubles.

"Where have you been all these years," Dumbledore's voice broke me out of my thoughts.

"What do you mean?" I asked him, confused. 

"We thought that you had died. Ever since Voldemort captured you," he said, tears streaming his face. I shivered at the mention of his name. Voldemort. Why did his name cause me to be frightened?

"I don't understand, everyone has been saying I look like this person they once knew. They say I look like you. But I don't know who my family is, I am an orphan a common street rat, who came to Hogwarts late because I never got a letter, and I am looking for a rat who is Pettigrew." I have no idea why I told him all of this and I let it slip about Pettigrew.

"You have lost your memories my daughter, and it seems that you've aged backwards." That's biologically impossible. He is like grandpa status and I am so young.

"Daughter," I said slowly, "I am your daughter? That seems, impossible, but makes sense why people say I look like you."

Dumbledore sighed, wiping some of his tears, "I shall explain some things that may or may not help clear things. You used to go here with Remus, Snape, Lily, and James Potter. You were friends with them all except for Snape. You would alway get into mischief with them, but I knew you were always the brains behind it, and they liked doing those things, but always getting someone out of it. You were a prefect with Remus, but you were not in Gryffindor, you were in Ravenclaw."

"How am I young then?"

"Like I said earlier, you've aged backwards, it is probably very dark and forbidden magic, that has done this to you. You graduated, and you were a head girl, I was so proud. You didn't settle down with anyone. Though you tried dating one of your friends which did not quite work out."

Is he changing the subject or is he adding bits and pieces of my supposed life into the mix?

"-Lily Evans and James Potter married during the Wizarding War, and you were happy, you had gotten a note you believed was from them and Voldemort captured you and you have been captured ever since."

"Explaining that, it makes sense on how I knew some people, and how I already know, or should I say remember magic, but if everything you're saying is correct then I should be around thirty but I am fourteen right now and it is very strange and a lot to take in."

"I am sorry, and happy birthday my girl," he said sadly.

I gave him a hug. He might be delusional, but when we hugged I felt at home.

"Here is your schedule, get to potions, and please come back after your classes."

"Okay," I say with a small smile. Still trying to wrap my head about what he said.

"You're late," Snape said to me when I entered. Oh right, I haven't gave a last name.

"My apologies, professor. Dumbledore wanted to speak with me."

"Take your seat." He said with a sigh.

I sat in the back on the Slytherin's side.

They gave me weird glances, I smiled at them. Snape began his lecture and their attention turned to him or else where.

Randomly in the class, in Snape's voice, I said, "Fifty Points from Slytherin."

The Slytherin's looked at Snape wide eyed, panicking. While the Gryffindors laughed.

"Who said that?" Snape asked in spite. His eyes met mine and accusingly said, "It was you."

I feigned innocence, "But sir, I have been taking notes," I showed him complete notes, "Oh and by the way you incorrectly stated step two it is supposed to be chopped in thin pieces, not thick."

"If you think you know what you are talking about, why don't you teach the class."

"Well, Snivellus, if I do that you might need to take a few notes."

He growled, "Fifty points from Gryffindor,"

I smiled triumphantly.

My other classes where a breeze. I went back to Dumbledore.

"I think I have a way to get into your memories, which may help you remember."

"Legimancy?" I asked, that could work.

"Yes, it may hurt a bit."

"Okay, let's do this," I was determined, this might help me find out who I am and where I came from.

Dumbledore's Heir-RemasteredTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang