Chapter 1-Sirius-ly?

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As I was sitting at the park, swinging slowly. Trapped in thought. Earlier today I had teleported to the kitchen at a diner that was closed and made something before anyone came in. I was satisfied with what I ate as it filled me for the moment. I was still scrawny and my hair needed a cut. I never had it cut before, but I am certain my hair needs one. It was longer than anyone else's I have seen. As people began piling into the park, casting me weary looks full of hate and dread. I left the swings and sat far away against a tree. I looked up at the greenery, I loved how the sun will glisten through the leaves, making them a beautiful green. I then looked at everyone who were talking, laughing, and playing. They were having fun and I noticed how alone I have been. I put my head into my knees, sighing. I then sat on the other side of the tree to face the lake. Moving my hand around, I created ripples into the water, smiling to myself.

I looked at my reflection and saw a black dog's reflection next to me which surprised me. I turned and looked at him and he smiled. It padded around closer to me, it had no collar so it was a stray. It seemed eerily familiar to me, which I found peculiar.

Regardless, I petted him. Scratching behind his ears.

He smiled his doggish-grin. I smiled back at him. All of the sudden nausea hit me and my vision blurred as I was greeted by darkness.

When I came to, I was groggy and I looked around.

"How?" I was in a cave. I was extremely confused on how I got here. I tried to remember what happened. Oh yeah, I was at the park, petting the dog.

I heard footsteps approaching, I looked up to see a man, with curly hair that went up to his shoulders. His eyes seemed to dance with mischief. As he walked in, I took a step back.

"Hey, hey, hey. I won't hurt you, I am Sirius."

"What do you mean, your serious?"

"Huh oh," he chuckled, "That never gets old. My name is Sirius Black, what is your name?"

"My name is Bl... uh... Ariana," Registration sunk in, "You are that murderer! Sirius Black! Are you going to kill me too?"

"Shush, child! I just told you I won't hurt you, didn't I? Plus, that whole murder thing was a setup."

"You've been framed?"


I looked at him, debating whether or not I should trust him. I mean he could have killed me when I was unconscious and I am still alive. Then again it could be a ploy. Who would care if I die anyways? I have nothing to lose. So I decided to trust him.

"Can you tell me about it?"

He sighed realizing I wasn't going to rat him out. He began telling me his story. He told me about the people dying and how his friend betrayed them, and how he changed being Harry's secret keeper at the last second.

"Harry Potter is real?" I asked shocked. I thought he was a figment of my imagination, a person to help me cope with my hardships, only to find out he is a real person.

"How do you know him?"

"I had dreams about him, and what happened during his first and second year. He is brave, your godson. So does that mean you're a wizard?"

"Yeah, and you're a witch."

"I guess," I said unsure.

"Do you know any magic," he asked.

"The amount I have taught myself."

"Let's see what you got," he said getting up and walking to the other side of the cave. I looked at him. He wanted to do this now?

I got up and stood across from him he took out his wand and I quickly yelled, "Experlliomous!" and disarmed him.

"You can do that without a wand? Awesome!"

"I never got a wand, and all of this magic stuff comes naturally."

"Oh right, your only twelve. Hold it, don't you have a trace?"

"Apparently not, as I never got caught."

"Probably why you haven't gotten your letter from Hogwarts, as well."

"I never thought of it like that. That explains so much."

"Then let's get you on the Hogwarts express," he said with a grin.

I gave him a look, "Are you serious?"

"We established this already, I am dead Sirius."

"It's not good to joke about your death," I said. That shut off his grin.

"How are we going to get me on the train?"

"Easy, I will be your pet dog, and you are from the school in America and you are transferring to Hogwarts."

"That is bloody brilliant, I don't even have an American accent."

"Just say your parent's moved back here to England. Case closed."

"Okay, if you say so Padfoot."

"How'd you know my nickname?"

"Huh, I don't know it just came out."

"Never mind that, now go home and we'll meet here for tomorrow."

I rolled my eyes, "If you haven't noticed, I am utterly homeless."

"Oh, then let's call it a night and we'll do everything first thing in the morning," Sirius changed forms into the black dog that he was and curled up and rested his head. He looked at me. I rolled my eyes and rested my head on him. I heard his snores, which was strangely comforting and I looked up at the cave walls and smiled. I will be free. I closed my eyes and allowed sleep to consume me.

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