"He was already awake." John chuckled and followed RIngo down stairs.

"By John, by Mrs. McCartney! By Rings, George...and Mike, and Paul." Johnny said and took a deep breath.

"By Johnny." John smiled.

"Want to hang out again?" Johnny asked.

"Maybe. Ill call you."


Johnny waved bye and hurried out the door.

"Just another day." John mumbled and went into the kitchen. Ringo was sitting at the table still holding Paul, Mike and George were eating away on pancakes.

"Here you go John." Mary put a plate down for him.

"Thanks. Wheres Jim?" John asked.

"He's still resting."

"Oh. Okay."

"Mmmummy?" Paul lifted his head off Ringo's shoulder.

"Yes baby?" Mary bent down and smiled into Paul's face.

Paul looked over his shoulder and pushed off Ringo. He got into a seat next to John and waited.

"One?" Mary asked and patted Paul's head.

"Yes please." He smiled. Mary gave him a kiss and went to the stove. 

After everyone had eaten Mary got ready to leave. 

"Good bye. You can stay or go out, and take the boys too if you like." Mary said putting on her coat.

"we'll make dinner too!" George smiled.

"You don't have too." Mary looked at him.

"No, you've fed us and everything, we'll make dinner for you so you can relax, then maybe we can take the boys out some where and you can have a nice peaceful dinner."

"No!" Paul frowned. 

"Why no?" Mary picked Paul up.

"I don't want you to leave me." Paul cried into her shoulder.

"Paul, you've been doing a lot of that lately." Mary rolled her eyes.

She handed him to John. Then said goodbye and walked out, looking a bit worried at Paul.

"Paul knock off the crying will ya! We'll prevent it! Okay, lets get to it before it spreads. Thats the key, and then they can treat it!" John looked into his best frined's face.

"Yeah, and if you keep saying that to her, she would think something is wrong with you. Got to act normal around her Paul." Ringo put a hand on his shoulder.

"Lets go do something, eh?" George asked.

"Lets go...um for a walk!" Mike jumped up and down.

"Good morning lads." Jim said as he walked downstairs.

"Good morning." The older ones nodded.

"Are you all going for a walk?" He smiled.

"Yes, but first ill make you something!" Ringo smiled and walked into the kitchen.

"You don't have too."

"Its okay! I will. Its the least i can do!"

"What you can do is take the boys some where." Jim chuckled and held his newspaper up.

"Lets get you two dressed, okay?" John pushed Mike up the steps.

"Your doing enough help too. By taking care of the boys." He watched John walk up stares with the boys.

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