Chapter 18

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George's POV


I was woken up by Ringo who sounded like something was regent.

"Whats up Rings?" I ask, a bit groggy.

"Come here! You should see this!" He whispered excitedly.

I nodded and stood up. Ringo led me to Paul's room and opened the door.

"Look." He pointed inside. 

I slowly looked inside and smiled. John was on the bed, propped up by a pillow, Paul in his arms, and Johnny sleeping by his side. I turned to face Ringo and we closed the door.

"Is everyone still asleep?" Mary asked, but this made me and Ringo jump.

She smiled. "Oh im sorry."

"Its alright." I smiled.

"Their alseep. Look!" Ringo opened the door a bit. Mary looked in.

"Aw, John is so sweet. You all are sweet." Mrs. McCartney smiled.

"Thanks." I blushed.

"Want some breakfast?" She asked.

"Yes please!" I nodded, food really sounded good.

"Alright come on."

"Want me to wake them? Its a bit ...late?" RIngo asked.

"Sure. Wake Mike too, if you don't mind." 

"Sure thing!" Ringo smiled and went inside the room.


Narraters POV


Ringo walked over to John and pushed him.

"John. John!"

John groaned and opened his eyes. "Hello Rings."

"You look cute you know." Ringo smiled at his friend.

"What? Oh." John laid Paul down and stood up, Johnny fell over and woke up.

"John be careful." the drummer said. "I didn't mean you, i meant him."

"Oh." John frowned. "Sorry Johnny."

"Its fine. Good morning!" He smiled.

"Their makin breakfast." Ringo pointed towards the door.

"Okay! But i uh, got to go home." Johnny looked up at John.

"Why?" John looked at himself.

"I've got second thoughts."

"Oh. Want me to take you?" John asked

"No, ill be going." Johnny got up and adjusted his shirt.

Paul moved a bit and woke up. "Hi." He said softly, still a bit sleepy.

"Hey kid." Ringo smiled.

Paul smiled and began to close his eyes.

"Hes whipped out." John chuckled.

"Yup, what did you do?"

"Nothing, we sat up all night, Paul was crying."

"Oh. Well, Paul, your mum wants you up." Ringo nudged the little boy.

"Carry him down. Ill get Mike." John mumbled and walked out with Johnny.

Ringo picked Paul up and brought him downstairs, Mike soon racing past him.

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