Zackley then breathed a sigh, one that sounded as if it was one in preparation for a long and difficult trial - which could very well be the circumstance with the strange titan. "Alright. Shall we begin?" The man spoke, seating the others without a direct command. "This court in now in session. Now, if you all please, due to the nature of this case, reframe from arguing with one another and save it for an appropriate venue." Zackley addressed the room's population before glancing back at his notes. "We are here today to determine the fate of The Rogue Titan. In light of the recent events at Trost - this falls under my jurisdiction. I will decide whether this bizarre specimen lives or dies." The Premier paused, Levi witnessing the man's words sink in through the others' skin. "According to the paper as well as Garrison and witness accounts, The Rogue appeared in Trost at the height of the titan assault. From my sources, it is said that this titan hunted its own kind within the city before plugging up the gate of Wall Rose. The Rogue then fled over the wall before vanishing into the abandoned Territory of Maria." Zackley hesitated for a second time, taking the moment to adjust his glasses before turning his attentiveness towards the smug MP's.

Levi felt his fists tighten, preparing is own words and facts if need be for when the moment would come. With Nile, he was bound to grow even more irritated.

The Premier exhaled. "Commander Nile Dock, what is your proposal in this case?"

The Corporal's mouth pinched, growing thinner in annoyance as Nile lifted his sheet of notes to his view - as if the man would even need them when his answer of defiance was clearly going to be the latter. "I, Commander of the Military Police Brigade," The arrogant man spoke dramatically with no need to be. "Propose that this Rogue Titan be disposed of immediately! With the facts presented and the statements of the titan's possible intelligence, we have deemed the monster to be nothing more than a potential threat to humanity!"

Levi crossed his arms, still keeping his stern gaze to the dark haired Commander. 'Humph. As expected.'

Zackley dipped his head in acknowledgement. "I see. Is that your full proposal, Commander?"

"Yes, Sir!" Nile concluded, voice stern, booming, and to the point as per usual.

Again, the Premier ever so slightly nodded in response. The bearded man then glanced back to his papers before turning his gaze to Pixis who stood next to Erwin, face almost pulled into a relaxed but cunning look. Levi blinked. The eccentric head of the Garrison was always a wild card - but with the Scouts constantly passing information to the man, the Commander had to be on their side. "Pixis," Zackley initiated again as he rested his chin on his palm. "Is it absolutely fact and not fiction that the wall was sturdily sealed by this titan?"

The elderly man nodded, casually and confidently crossing his arms around his back. "Yes, and I doubt that it will ever be breached again."

"Good. Now Commander Pixis, does your regiment have a proposal in mind before I continue? Do you have any plans for the titan in question?"

At the query, the peculiar man let out a laugh that could have been dangerously close to a snort, the display of expected merriment echoing among the decorative walls. "My condolences Premier Zackley." Pixis apologized as he captured his stability. "I'm going to be quite frank with you. In truth our regiment cannot put such potential to use. The brute is too big to reside up at the top of the wall or man a cannon. Yes, not much use at all. However," Pixis paused, glancing to both Levi and Erwin with his golden eyes peeking from the corners of wrinkled flesh before clearing his throat. "I believe that the Scouts are fully capable of housing such a beast. With them, whom I have full confidence of, I believe that they can utilize the titan's full potential to humanity's advantage."

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