Part 2: Chapter 29: Awakening

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Author's Note: Hello all! Welcome to Chapter 29! Before Reading, as of today May 3 2024, you will need to go and reread Chapter 25 and the end of Chapter 27! Some important corrections were made to the lore as well as a change to a certain scene in the beginning of Chapter 25 that has to deal with Hunter Titan biology!

This Chapter really focuses on some of the relationships between the characters and sets up some important plot points.

A fair warning, the last scene does have a fair amount of gore.

Also, yay for no 4 year update gap!

Chapter Summary: Summer has arrived to the Hunter's forest. Things are blossoming and awakening.

Rogue Chapter 29


Scales shimmered beneath the water's crystal surface. Like jewels they glittered as they gathered the rays of light overhead. The fish swam in the hollow's pond without a single worry of the world. They were completely unaware of the large green eyes that stared at them intensely from above. Atlas sat poised at the pond's edge, the titan's ears erect and his body hunched over in preparation. The Hunter's teeth clacked together, a chirping sound coming from his mouth, sheer excitement. Then, like the large cats that roamed the forest, he lunged. Water sprayed his body and face, waves rolling across the pond. Fish flew and scattered in all directions, but none fell into his grasp. A loud squeal came from the titan as he leaped forward again, landing upon all fours in the center of the small body of water. Atlas angled his neck to stare hard into the rippling liquid, waiting for the unsteady and reflective surface to calm before he could plot his next move. Gradually, the pond quieted and the fish became visible once more. With irises blown wide and an inquisitive rumble vibrating from his chest, Atlas watched a large whiskered fish, a catfish as Titus had taught him, swim circles around his wrists. Suddenly, the fish seemed to notice his gaze and darted to his legs, provoking the titan to quickly reach under him. However, the move was clumsy and Atlas tumbled to his side, whipping up a set of waves that swept over the banks of the pond and left him drenched. He paid no heed to his soaking locks and skin, he was bound to make the catfish his prized catch!

With lively greens catching sight of his chosen prey, Atlas charged again. Walls of water met the nearby mossy boulders as the titan darted in various directions. Nutritiously, he had no use for the catfish as Hunters only ate Mindless titans. He was really only hunting the small swimming creature just to prove that he could indeed catch something so challenging to hunt. The titan's thrilled vocals echoed off of the walls of the hollow as he continued his strikes and pounces, growling at a high pitch with each unsuccessful attempt. Lacking scales, he had come to discover that catfish were very slippery as with each victory the fish would quickly escape through his fingers. Atlas lunged again, and finally encased his hands around the creature. The Hunter rumbled proudly at his catch, but then realized that he now had to finish what he started.

With a quick notion, Atlas scooped his hands and launched a torrent of water and the fish itself into the air. The titan roared playfully, reaching to snag the catfish but was soon met with the same dilemma. For the umpteenth time, the fish slipped from between his fingers. Quickly, Atlas attempted to catch the fish before it could return to the safety of the pond, but he was only able to bat it up skyward again. He reached, but his prey only fell through his fingers. The titan swung, forcing the catfish to travel to the heavens.


At the ever familiar voice, Atlas went rigid. Green eyes met an amused looking Titus who stood at the other side of the hollow's pond, the Hunter completely ignoring the flailing catfish as it bounced from his drenched scalp and back into the waiting waters of the pond. Atlas stared owlishly at the unexpected visitor, looking comical but confused as to why Titus was here. It was supposed to be a free day with no training and he did have some personal plans he was going to tend to.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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