Start from the beginning

“It’s no problem at all Taylor you’re a really good friend. And I’m glad you’re my friend with out you I would never would have met Aimee, Levi and Luke. I would most likely would have been the geek with no friends. So really thank you” Joel said looking down blushing. I gave him a big smile and side way hug.

“So did you get the video done for after our show?” I said quietly looking around to make sure no one was listening I would hate for our plan to blow up in face like last time.

“Yep it’s all done and ready I made sure not to show to much of the sex part, I’m pretty sure no one wants to see the principal getting it on, on top of his desk. Not only that but with the children at the game I sure none of the parents wants there kids to see that either.” Joel said showing me the picture which were really great. I loved it.

“Good idea. And I love the pictures of everyone, there great.” I said with a big smile.

It wasn’t long before the rest of the group got to the table. Aimee had a big smile on her face and was mostly looking at Joel who by the was blushing and smiling back a Aimee. I was happy for them they would be perfect together. Levi was listening to his Ipod looking around the school yard. Most likely looking for his date. Ever since we played for the first time Levi has been getting a lot of attention from the girls.

“So I know what song you should sing first” Aimee said with a smile on her face.

“What song did you want me to sing so that I can have time to think about the lyrics and we can practice latter at lunch along with my song” I said giving her my full attention.

“I want the song ‘What the hell by Avril Lavigne’” she squealed I should have known she would want to sing one of Avril Lavigne’s songs. She love’s her music. I nodded my head at her as the bell rang for class.



The day went by quickly that it was almost time to get ready for the game. No one had to go to there last two classes due to the pep rally the school was having in the gym. Levi, Aimee and Joel decided that they were not going. They wanted more time to set every thing up for tonight’s show. Levi was going to help Joel with wiring and testing everything to make sure there working right and Aimee wanted to work on the outfits we got for the show so that we would look awesome. As for me I had to go straight to the band room and put my navy blue band uniform on - I hated the uniforms they were hot and itchy and due to the hot humid weather we were having today my hair got all frizzy and untenable that I had Aimee try the best she could to put my hair into a side way braid so that I could put my hat on with out looking all crazy- just because the school band had to play the school fight song as the football players make an appearance by. If I had it my way I would be with my friends and not sitting on the top of the bleachers with my other band mates wasting two hours of watching everyone scream and play childish games. The only thing that was fun to watch during the whole thing was when Trish tripped and fell during her routine making everyone laugh. It wasn’t to long after that, that everyone got to go home and get ready for the game since it didn’t start for a couple more hours. I still have to meet up with Aimee so that we can practice the songs she wants us to sing. I just hope every thing goes better then last time I don’t think I can handle another mishap.

“That was great guys everything should be in order we just have to make sure it will all work out side on the field. Also I need you guys to make sure that your off the stage right after the second song so that way I can start the video” Joel said right after we finished practicing. It took us a couple tries to make sure it was perfect but we did it.

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