6- Let's Play

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"SANS! THERE YOU ARE YOU GOOD FOR NOTHING!" You peek out and see the person, or skeleton, walk up to who you now know is Sans. This new skeleton was almost twice the hight of you, he had a black shirt and pants to match. He also wore blood red gloves and a scarf that was very long it kinda reminded you of a cape.
"Hey Boss, I was just abo-"
"I DON'T WANT TO HEAR YOUR EXCUSES, WHY CAN'T YOU JUST STAY IN YOU F*CKIN STATION?" He wasn't really shouting he just spoke louder.
"Funny thing about my station..."
You heart stepped a beat.

Is he going to rat me out? I don't know what that tall skeleton would do with me but I don't want to find out.

"ENOUGH!" 'Boss' walked over to the little shack that you were hiding behind. You held your breath.

Please don't find me, please.

'Boss' slammed his hand down on the shack making you jump and bit. "I SEE NOTHING WRONG HERE! NEXT TIME SAY AT YOUR STATION OR..." 'Boss' walked back to Sans grabbed him by the neck lifting him off the ground, looked him straight in his eyesocket and said. "I WON'T BE AS KIND." He let go of Sans who fell down on his knees and was coughing while rubbing his -throat.- "NYEH HEH HEH." 'Boss' laughed as he walked away.
You quickly run over to Sans. "SANS! A-are you okay?!" Sans cleared his -throat- and stood up quickly.
"Pfft~ don't worry kid. Paps would never kill me, just beat the sh*t out of me." He said with a wink.
"Still it looks like it hurts..." You reach your hand up to Sans neck an-
"Whoa! Kid." Sans grabbed your hand and roughly threw it back to your side. "I don't remember giving you permission to touch me." You sighed, you were just trying to show your kindness...

No one would believe I'm just being kind... especially here.

Sans POV

She is worried? Hehe, she not going to survive long with an attitude like that. Still for a moment there it felt nice to have someone worry about me. But, that won't last long she will learn to trust no one and not to care about anybody or... die.

A smile appeared across my face. My smile put (Y/N) on edge, even if could see that.

I love this feeling someone weaker then me~ helpless in my grasp. But, I was in a good mood cause she laughed at my prank... let's have some fun.

"You better watch out for Paps." I pointed in the direction in which my brother just left. "If he gets you, you'll be a goner... but I guess thats everyone in the underground." I said with a giggle.
Her eyes widen a bit and then she looked a me with a puzzled look.
"Y-your letting me go?" She stuttered.
I leaned in closer to her and whispered, "Your my toy, I'm just sharing but I'll be back to play too." I glare at that stupid weed and walked away. Leaving (Y/N) standing there froze, I headed towards my next destination.

Normal POV
"(Y-Y/N)? Are you okay? What did he say?" You snap out of your daze and look at Flowey who had an extremely worried look on his face.
"Don't worry," you reassure Flowey. "He just said something like I'm his... toy, and he'll be back to play." You take a deep breath and let it out. You felt determination fill you to prove you were more then what you seemed. You punch your fist into you hand. "Okay, if I'm a toy... let's play!" You gave a cocky grin to Flowey who just laughed and you headed off towards the skeleton dudes.

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