Chapter Twenty-five

Start from the beginning

“How many pods are there on the station?” he asked sharply.

Ledin raised his eyebrows. “Five.”

“How many men are there in your detail?”

“Eight – including myself.”

Six thought rapidly. “We have to leave at least three on the orbital platform, five would be better. You and I will go as pilots in the space traders, Ledin. If we leave four on the orbital platform to defend, that means we could man all five shuttle pods. It is a slim chance, but they may be able to do something to help down there.”

Ledin nodded, and gave the pertinent orders. Three of his men moved across to Grace and Diva, and stood there to attention, jaws angled up showing that they were proud to serve their newly adopted country.

Six gave a brief nod. “May Lumina watch over Kwaide!” he told them.

Grace ran over and gave Six a hug. “Good luck!” She smiled around at the other men who were not going with her and Diva. “May the heavenly triangle protect you all!”

Diva’s eyes were fearless. They scanned the company and then she inclined her head regally. “May Sacras guide you home!”

They separated then, each to his or her own mission.

DIVA AND GRACE led the pods down to the planet beneath. Re-entry was quick and easy – the pods were designed to withstand the heat without problems. The two girls spent the time considering their options, and checking out what little ammunition they had. 

They landed safely at the spaceport which had been hastily built near the base camp, and left the other three pilots to refuel through the makeshift fuel lines and cram as many pyrotechnics as possible into the shuttle pods. The two girls went to find Cimma. They had a four hour respite before they could get the personal shuttles back up in the air. They needed to brief Cimma and the rest of the camp about the situation.

Cimma was worn and gaunt. Although she didn’t need the orthogel support any more she was slightly bent. She looked as if she hadn’t slept for days.

She greeted both of them with great relief, even more so when they told her that the nuclear weapons had been destroyed. 

“We have evacuated as many refugees as we can,” she said. “And many of the sycophants have decided to come over to our side, so our army is stronger than it was. Even so, we simply don’t have the armament to fight back.”

“We think they will deploy conventional bombs,” said Grace, “but we are going to do all we can to stop them. Six and Ledin are taking the space traders up, and there are five of us here to try to mop up what missiles do get through.”

Cimma closed her eyes, and for a moment they thought that she would faint. Then she pulled herself physically upright and raised her chin. “Good,” she said. “May Almagest go with you! I know you will do well. New Kwaide will be safe if you two are there to protect it.”

“Thank you Magestra!” Grace leant forward to give her mother a hug. “Be good!”

“We have done all we can. The sycophant army will not attack while there is a missile raid underway. Our only job for the time being is to dodge the bombs.”

“Be careful, then!” Diva raised her fingers up to touch Cimma’s. “New Kwaide needs you.”

“More than they know. These rebels are very keen, but they have absolutely no idea of organization. They don’t understand the concept of teamwork. If somebody doesn’t instil in them a sense of belonging then this new republic will be doomed from the start.”

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