The Legend Begins

Start from the beginning

The titan bent over and sniffed again in search of the human food smell that he had detected earlier. The creature's attention was then thrown to a large wooden chest in the corner of the dwelling where the odor was originating. Carefully, Rogue lifted the lid delicately with a single finger to reveal five loafs of bread. A slight frown came to his face, the minuscule amount would not feed his little ones for long. Rogue let out a distressed breath of steam before gradually removing the loaves from the trunk and placed them with the black vine he had found earlier. However, the rest of the contents in the trunk caught his eye. In the human box, there were many objects that looked like the stones that man used to build, but the smell of them was astounding. Rogue retrieved the small stone in wonder and held it before his nose, eyes crossing slightly to observe the odd finding. The titan's brow rose as the scent wavered and swept through his nostrils. It too, smelled like the things that humans ate. Was it possible that these stones were food that his little ones could eat too?

Before he could ponder further about his discovery, a familiar and surprising scent was delivered to Rogue by the icy wind. The titan paused, letting out a quick grunt in disbelief as he transferred his attention to the new scent's source. Slowly, he rose up upon his knees and sniffed viciously. Rogue's eyes suddenly widened and his ears pricked forward with shock. It wasn't titan, the stench that now plagued the land, but human. Not his little ones, but human nonetheless. Worried, the titan rose to his feet, neglecting his stash and findings as he stared intently in the direction of origin. Did humans not know how dangerous it was here? Did they not know death was around every corner?

Feeling his protective instincts overpower him, Rogue quickly replaced the roof skillfully upon the dwelling and motioned in the direction of the new humans. His little ones would be safe for a while longer in his nest. He had to see if these humans were all right as well, but more so what they were doing in the titans' domain - and why.


The blanket of snow was ripped and torn as a small group of horses galloped through the patch of trees with their riders. Despite the presence of white coating the landscape and the frigid cold, it was normal for the Scouts to go on expeditions. However, due to recent reports and findings, Section Commander Hange Zoe, Section Commander Mike, and a few selected members of the regiment were now on an investigation rather than a hunt. Most of the team was nervous with the lack of the Commander and Corporal who had been summoned to Wall Sina, all except for Hange who was always eager to enter the realm of the titans due to her fascination and lust for knowledge.

"How much further is it Molbit?" Hange questioned to her assistant, a quiet blonde soldier that rode next to her. She watched eagerly and almost impatiently as he pulled out a crinkled map and began to study it.

"Depot number six should be right around this bend, Section Commander!" Molbit informed with Hange nodding in reply.

"I still don't know why Erwin is having us out here looking into this matter right now. I'm freezing my god damn ass off out - grahhh!"

Hearing the pitiful cry of anguish, both Hange and Mike turned to see that Oluo, an arrogant man who was often called Corporal Levi's biggest fan due to how much he attempted to follow in the other's footsteps, had yet again suffered from his habit of biting his tongue on horseback. A few of the fresher soldiers sniggered all the while the more seasoned veterans that were used to Oluo's behavior, remained focused. Mike then turned to face them, alleviating everyone at once with his impassive face.

"Quiet down." He began seriously, gathering every amount of attention from his comrades. Mike was a skilled Section Commander with a nose like a human bloodhound. To nearly everyone, he was a man of little words. So when he spoke, everyone listened. "The Commander requested us to investigate this matter because it is likely a serious one. Please, no further questions until we arrive." Mike concluded as the horses crested a small knoll in the path, his command sinking into the others.

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