Chapter Twenty-three

Bắt đầu từ đầu

“I was merely asking. Having observed that you have somehow managed to lose the starboard fuel tanks, that the rest of the ship is looking somewhat battered, and that you appear to be floating in space without propulsion …”

“Yeah – tell me about it! They don’t make these Sellite ships to last, do they? The Resistance here is going to need a major makeover when we get back to the orbital station.”

“At the rate you are travelling, that will take you two more weeks.”

“Thought I was entitled to a bit of a holiday, you know. Take the scenic route. Something wrong with that?”

“Do you require assistance, Six?”

“Well, OF COURSE I do, you half-baked lump of jelly! My planet is on the point of being blown up by nuclear missiles!”

“There is no need to shout at me. I was only trying to clarify your position.”

“Hmm. I may be the tiniest bit jumpy. All this sitting around with nothing to do gets on my nerves. I apologize.”

“I will come back when I am able to be of help.”

“You will find me at home. I will tell my butler to admit you.”

DIVA AND GRACE were fed up with wandering around the first floor of the 256th skyrise. They had managed to find a few nutripacks, which staved off the pangs of hunger for a while, but they felt totally out of touch. It was impossible to know what was happening.

Even the video camera appeared bored. It had spent some time investigating the whole floor, and then had hovered silently in a corner for an hour or two before apparently switching itself off.

At last a slight hum indicated that the orthogel system had started up again. Both girls looked up quickly.

“Arcan!” exclaimed Diva. “He must have managed to sort himself out!”

Grace leapt to her feet. “Now we will see what is happening! I hope he is all right!”

A bubble appeared in front of them, surrounded them, and transported them back into the Variance, in orbit around Valhai. At the last moment Grace managed to grab the video camera, which gave a buzz of alarm at being touched, and then switched itself back on.

“That is better!” said Diva with relief, smoothly sliding into the pilot’s seat, and examining the console. “How are you, Arcan?”

“I am recovered, thank you, Diva.” The bubble said, moving to one side of the hold. “I see you are, too?”

Diva nodded. “Grace and the visitor rescued me.” She told him all the details of the escape. When he heard what had happened to the visitor for interfering in type 3 life-forms, the bubble turned almost black.

“That is unacceptable,” he told the machine. “We are grateful to you for your help. Such rigid laws are pointless, since no two situations can be the same. Each should be judged on its own characteristics. I think you did very well.”

The little machine buzzed, and seemed pleased. “Thank you, Arcan. If you are satisfied with my intervention, then I am more than happy to accept my punishment.”

“These people are my friends, and we help each other. Perhaps your people did not understand that?”

The machine whirred. “Perhaps.”

“We will remember your help. Thank you.”

“I have never had a friend.” The voice behind the machine sounded almost plaintive.

Kwaide (The Ammonite Galaxy Series, Book 2)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ