Chapter Seventeen

Start from the beginning

Grace grinned again. “Bringing both of them doesn’t leave much room for anything else in this cabin, but I didn’t want to leave him there for Amanita.”

“I should think not! Especially not after what Xenon tried to do to you!”

Grace looked uncomfortable. “Oh. You heard about that …”

“I most certainly did. And I shall not be speaking to my son again. I cannot believe that any son of mine could even contemplate such a thing!”

“I suppose he feels that I am to blame for everything.”

“Fine excuse! He has behaved in a way inappropriate of a Sellite. You had better make sure you stay out of his way. He may want to remedy your having survived.”

“I know.” Grace inclined her head. “Don’t worry. I can look after myself.”

Cimma beamed. “I have heard of your role in saving the orbital station, daughter. I think you do better than just look after yourself!”

Grace felt a warm glow of pleasure spread through her. “Do you?” She was absurdly flattered by the praise. “Th-thank you!”

Cimma gave her a hug. “Don’t be silly. I admire you.”

“You admire me!” Grace stared.

“You are becoming very adept. Painting – saving space stations – look at you!”

Grace burst out laughing. “Somehow I don’t think Amanita would agree with you,” she said.

Cimma nodded. “Well, let’s face it; it isn’t exactly ‘house management’, is it?”

“And you don’t mind?”

Cimma gave her another hug. “Of course I don’t. I’d rather hang one painting of yours on my wall than have five hundred perfectly managed meals. I want you just to be you.”

“And who is that?”

Cimma shrugged. “I don’t know, and I suspect that it may change during your lifetime, so don’t get too stuck in one rut.”

“I won’t,” Grace promised. “By the way, did I tell you we met an extra-system life-form …?”

UNFORTUNATELY FOR GRACE, as soon as she arrived back on Valhai and up to the 48th floor of the 256th skyrise she walked right back into Amanita. Her sister-in-law was inspecting the rooms where Cimma and Grace had lived for so long.

“Get out!” Amanita snapped straight away. “You have no right to be here.”

Grace sighed. “It is you who has no right to be here, actually. The whole skyrise is ceded to Arcan at the moment – except the 49th floor. Nice to see you too, Amanita.”

“I wish Xenon HAD managed to kill you.”

“I am sure you do.”

“I hope you are ashamed of yourself!”

Grace looked at her sister-in-law, and suddenly there was a shift in her perception. 

“You are a bully,” she said. “I feel sorry for your children.”

“H-how DARE you!”

“I dare,” Grace said, suddenly realizing something, “because you no longer frighten me.” She straightened up. “And you know what? It feels good.”

“I despise you!”

“Yeah, yeah, I know. ‘I spit on you’ etcetera, etcetera.”

“I shall never—”

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