Chapter three - the truth

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Three weeks had come and gone and still my dad hadn't returned and I hadn't been to school for two weeks I kept asking my nan if I could go to America but she said no, the only place to escape and be happy was on the beach but that was heartbreaking, I really wanted to see America and mostly my dad but every time I asked the answer was no.

12:00pm and I couldn't sleep and oddly I got a phone call from my dad I picked it up and said " are you ok?" "Yes I'm fine" he replied " when are you coming home?" " I don't know" he replied "can I come and see you?" "It's best of you don't" I got fed up for this answer and said " I'm coming over there!" Before he could say no I hung up and looked on the Internet for flights and I was in luck there was a flight going out Tuesday so I booked it using my dads card and went downstairs to tell nan "you did what?" She shouted "I booked a flight to go to America because I'm fed up of my dad not coming home" I said " when do you go?" " Tuesday" I replied " well it's Sunday.." "Nan, I know what I'm doing is wrong but any girl in the world would want to see there home town and more importantly their dad. I've only got one parent and I'm not going to lose him" I said nearly bursting into tears " ok I'll let you go but I'm warning you, you won't like it" "I'll be fine". I to,d my dad that I was coming to America he just said " ok, I'll let the captain know and ask them to take care of you" "ok love you" I said, but I heard him mutter under his breath "you won't love me for very long" .

Tuesday my departure date and I was so excited. My nan dropped me of at London Gatwick airport and she waved goodbye "see you soon" she said and drove away, checking in, for any other person it would be hell but for me it wasn't I showed them my ticket and they immediately asked " are you Tom Hanks' daughter" " yes" I replied " can I see some proof?" I didn't really have any proof but then I remembered my dads badge, I took it of and gave it to her and she believed me "have a safe flight!" She said I smiled and walked through security once through security I sat down and contemplated about was this a good idea but as I sat there deciding I was greeted by the captain and co pilot of the plane I'll be on and they let me come on board with them and the flight crew. Once I was on board I was allowed in the cockpit " your dad asked all of the crew to take care of his little princess" the pilot said a little while later they asked me to take a sit because it's time for takeoff , in the air I found that everyone was still saying sorry so when the stewardess came round with drinks I asked " please may I see the captain?" " off course" she replied so I walked to the front and knocked on the door "come on in" he asked "Cathy, are you alright?" " no" "what's wrong?" They all asked "everyone on this plane is saying sorry but I've got no clue why. Do you know ?" "I think we better tell her" the navigator said "Cathy, I think you better come with me" and the captain. We walked to the back of the plane and then he said " Cathy, the reason why your dad hasn't come home is because he got the blame for something he thought was the best option to do, look out the window" so I did and there was a plane in the Hudson River " what happened to that plane?" I asked "well two weeks ago January 15 that plane made an emergency landing in that river you see and the captain who made that decision was Captain Tom Hanks" " my dad" sounding full of emotions " can I sit back down now please?" " ok" the pilot said and I walked back to my seat. A little while after being told my dad was in a water emergency landing we were descending to land in America and a little bit more thinking we landed everyone got off and began there holiday or business trip but I sat there thinking "is everyone off the plane?" The captain asked "no there's one more" he noticed me and came walking towards me and sat down in the chair next to me "your dad was a brave man" he said " why are you upset" I handed him my phone and looked at him "oh" he said "there are blaming him for doing what he did" " I know but you have to see him and out this right, are you going to get of?" " I don't know" I said with hesitation "come on" he insisted grabbing my hand. I got up and as I made me way to the aisle the captain was very patient with me and near the door he said " what about if I go first" "ok" I said as I walked to the door and took the first step out of the airplane I realised I was in America. The captain assorting me down the steps and in to the main building where I would found my dads friend and at that moment I saw the news which was again blaming my dad. "Which ones your friend, Cathy?" "That one? I said pointing to my dads best friend Richard Hammond I ran over to him and hugged him "hello" he said excitedly "hey Richard" I said. I knew at that point I was going to be ok and that this would just blow over but I had no idea what was about to happen

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