“I want a baby, but obviously not yet.” Danielle throws in. I can’t imagine how cute Danielle and Liam’s baby would be. Danielle’s curls and Liam’s eyes, that baby would be gorgeous.

“It’s weird though, I’ve been having like pregnancy symptoms, and I’ve been eating so much more than usual and like nauseas in the morning. I doubt its anything though.” I shrug. Danielle and Perrie look at each other with an evil look then turn back to me.

“C’mon we’re going shopping. We need to go get in disguise.” Danielle summons, Perrie takes Alexis from my arms and we walk into my closet. Louis and I both have our own walk in closets, we also have a bathroom and the girls share a room for now, but when they get older they won’t have to.

“Gosh, this thing is insanely old.” I say pulling out the wig.

“Put it on for old times’ sake and head out there.” Perrie demands setting Alexis on the bed, I put my hair up and put the wig on. Still fits like a glove. I look in the mirror, it feels like a time machine, back to the first day I met the boys.

“So why is she here?” Harry asks, rudely if you ask me.

“Well, Harry, I’m your new girlfriend.” I say putting on the best fake smile I could muster.

“I don’t need a girlfriend, but thanks anyway.” His words laced in sarcasm. Wow, he’s rude, and arrogant and probably a jerk too. Perfect.

“Well, get over it because I am your new girlfriend and I’m not too happy about it either, sweet cheeks. So you and I can both just suck it up until this is over alright?” He just rolls his eyes “Now, where can I put my things?” I say putting on the sweetest smile I could.

“Ana, you have to put it in Harry’s room, because if the pap sneaks up the side of the building like it’s happened before, you need to be in his bed.”

“Wow could this get any worse?” Harry mumbled.

“I heard that.” I said shooting him a glare

“You were meant to, sweet cheeks” He says mockingly.

“Aw you two are such a cute couple!” The boy, Louis says sarcastically.

“Harry, take her things to YOUR room.” Mike says leaving the room.

Well won’t this be wonderful.

I take a step out to the living room and take a deep breath, and walk into the living room.

“Holy cra- Crab. Holy Crab.” Niall says almost saying a bad word in front of my girls.

“Why are you wearing that?” Louis asks, examining the wig as if he’s a mad scientist.

“Old time’s sake.” I smile and he nods.

“Wow, doesn’t that take us back.” Harry says and I nod.

“Like to the time you were an arrogant jerk?” I wink and he asks offended, grabbing his heart and pretending he got stabbed.

“How hurtful,” he mumbles turning back to the football game.

“Mommy, why is your hair brown?” Andrea asks looking up from her little pony toy.

“This is what Mommy used to look like. She used to wear this wig.” I try to explain.

“Why?” The twins ask simultaneously

“Because I was scared,” I say

“Scared of what?” They press

“Scared of everything, I was scared of the truth. Maybe one day I’ll tell you exactly what happened?” I promise them and they nod looking down at their toys.

Maybe one day, I’ll tell them everything that happened, how I met their dad. Why I met their dad, why I’m not married to Uncle Harry. Why I didn’t talk to Harry for the longest time. Why I had night mares every night that Harry tried doing…things, but maybe I won’t. Maybe I’ll tell them I put on the wig to keep the secret and I saw Louis and fell in love immediately. Maybe I’ll give them some fairy tale that never happened.

Life never is a fairy tale, because in fairy tales, the prince and the princess live happily ever after. In my fairy tale the prince and I do live happily ever after, but in many lives they aren’t that lucky. Some don’t even find their prince or princes. Some don’t know the meaning of love, and some don’t know the power of it. Some will never understand what it means to love someone with their whole heart, to trust them more than they trust themselves. The person that you’d give up life for to save them, the person you’d die without, the person you’d take a bullet for. The person that you’d rather die with than live alone, the person that means more to you than life itself.


Hey guys! Wrote this while listening to Through the Dark <3 Okay, I have one problem with this song it says "And if you want to cry, or fall apart, I'll be there to hold you" No they won't, I wish they would be, but they won't. Oh well. #fangirlprobs Well there's the epilogue I hope you enjoyed it! I love you all and I thank you so much for joining me on this insane roller coaster. I am so sad it's over! I love you guys so much and I hope you'll be joining me for Finding Daddy in just a couple days! I love you SOOO MUCH!!:) xx <3

xx _DatWriterChick xx

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