8: Whatever the Hell I Want!

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“Wait so you hate us?” One of them with black hair that’s slightly coiffed asked.

“Not hate exactly…just. Okay yes I hate you.” I say bluntly

“Why?” He asks

“Honestly? You all seem arrogant, and like you guys think you’re know-it-alls, plus your music isn’t that great.”

“I think I should learn your names.” I say as Harry walks back in the room from putting my stuff in there.

“I’m Liam” One of them says sticking his hand out and I shake it.




“Harry.” I shake all of their hands and they all disperse in their own ways except for one Louis? No Liam? I’m not sure.

“So since it doesn’t exactly look like you have many things do you need to go shopping?” He asks

“Louis right? Or are you Liam?”

“I’m Liam.” He says chuckling and I feel my cheeks heat up.

“Well, Liam why are you being so nice? I insulted your band and everyone else seems to hate me, I shouldn’t have agreed to this. This is stupid, I’ll just call Mike and tell him to call it all off.” I say reaching in my pocket unlocking my white iPhone.

“Ana, stop it.” Liam says grabbing my phone out of my hands, “Listen, I’m being nice because for one, I’m the nice one out of the group, and for two everyone deserves a chance and if they blow it that’s what second chances are for right? Now don’t call Mike to call it off.” He says looking right into my eyes.

“Why? I don’t need to be here.” I say looking down at my black heels.

“C’mon let’s go shopping, we’ll get your mind off of it. We can pick out some paint and clothes and you can decorate the guest bedroom to make it your closet if you’d like.” He smiles as he heads into the living room.

“Boys we’re gonna go shopping we’ll be back later.”

“Can’t she go by herself, she’s a big girl.” Harry says, Liam glaring at him.

“No now wer-“

“No, Liam he’s right I can go by myself, I’m already a big enough burden I’d hate for you to chauffer me around too.”

“Of course I’m right.” Harry says smirking.

“Harry! Shut up and stop being a dick to her! She’s trying to help you out here and you’re just being rude. Now stop it!” Niall says surprisingly, he came off more as a quiet one.

“I don’t need help okay?! I’ll do whatever the hell I want!” Harry says storming off.

“C’mon Ana let’s go.”

“I WANNA COME!” Louis and Niall say at the same time.

“I’ll come too!!!” Zayn says

We all walk out to the black Range Rover and I go to sit in the back seat but someone grabs my arm holding me back.

“Sit up front, love.” I just nod opening the door and sitting in silence on the way to the mall.

“Guy’s I want to apologize for everything earlier, I was being completely rude and I feel really bad.” I say just above a whisper but apparently they all heard me.

“No need to apologize.” I look back to see Louis smiling and Zayn and Niall nodding. Liam turns up the radio Stop and Stare by OneRepublic is playing, I stare out the window, it feels like I’m in a music video and I stay that way until we get to the mall.


Hey guys so I decided to update really quick before I left because I pre-write most of these chapters so I just decided to put this up! Okay so you might already know but I'm staying the night at my sister's house tonight so I wont be on AT ALL tonight:( I know I know okay so I'll talk to you guys tomorrow!

On a happy note a friend and I started a joint account and it's @GenerationDedication and we are taking requests for imagines and preferances for 5SOS and 1D! If you want one you can comment it or message me on the joint account or my personal!

We'll need:


Which boy(s)

Dirty or clean:

Kinda what you want to happen:

Anything else:

Okay so just message me!:) Alright I love you my Pretzels! I'll talk to you tomorrow!

xx _DatWriterChick xx

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