26: Date Night

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Here I am, three months later without Harry. The first 2 weeks of month one I spent miserable, I cried every night and ended up moving out of the house because I couldn’t deal with seeing Harry every day. Even though most of the time I didn’t see him, I was busy working and he was usually sleeping off a hangover, he would go out every night. The last part of month one is when I actually moved out, I found my own flat a few blocks away from the boys’ flat so they were never too far away. Month two, I flew back to America and visited my dad, Dannie Boy and Riley. Riley wanted to move out here with me, but I said that he should wait and not make an impulse decision.  He swears he’ll move out here someday though. Louis decided to move in with me because I was feeling lonely and I wanted my best friend around. Now here we are, I’m living in a flat with Louis. I haven’t really talked to Harry in a while, Zayn and I text a lot and a couple days ago Liam and I went out for ice cream. As friends.

Yes, I’m still single, but I don’t think it will be like that for long. Louis and I are really getting along and I don’t know if that means anything but I kind of hope it does, I do like him.

“LOUIS! GET OFF OF ME!” I yell at the fat hippo sitting on me.

“NOT UNTIL YOU APOLOGIZE!” He yells back attempting to squish me even more than he is now.



“I DON’T KNOW ASK NIALL! HE WAS HERE LAST NIGHT!” I yell back and he scowls at me getting off me and heading out the door, probably to go find Niall. I can’t help but practically die of laughter; he’s going to go attack Niall for something I did. Hah! Last night all the boys, except for Harry, came over and we had a sleepover, they left earlier though. Well, everyone did except for Zayn, he’s sleeping in the guest room. We rarely see Zayn anymore anyway; he found a girlfriend named Perrie. They are so cute together, like the cutest couple I’ve ever seen in my lifetime. Perrie is in a band, Little Mix, and I guess her and Zayn knew each other since the X-Factor but have only recently started dating. As for me, I’ve stayed out of the spotlight as much as possible. I don’t have any upcoming tours or albums or anything. I’m taking a break for a while. I don’t even bother putting my wig on anymore, the boys have said in multiple interviews that I’m a friend of Louis’ from childhood and we ran into each other after many years of being apart.


“Lou, I’m going to the store for dinner I’ll be back later!” I yell at him.

“No you aren’t.” He says getting up from the couch and walking towards me.

“Um, escuse meh??” I say putting on my best sassy voice, which fails miserably. He chuckles at me and I can’t help but laugh too.

“Anyway, you aren’t going out, we are going out.” He says.

“Okay, let me change first. Where are we going?” I ask him

“To dinner, not a fancy place,” he says and I nod.

So if it’s not fancy I can wear jeans. I was just going to the store in sweats but I can’t go to a restaurant in sweats. That would be embarrassing.

I step into my walk in closet and grab a fringe crop top and white high wasted shorts with gold buttons. Quickly changing into those I go fix my makeup, giving a slight smoky eye effect and red lipstick. My hair is already curled so I just let it go, putting a little bit of hairspray in it. Then grabbing my high heeled boots with buckles on the sides and spraying Viva La Juicy because it’s Louis’ favorite. I take a look in the mirror and head out to meet Louis again.

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