Chapter 46: Suffering

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"But they woke me up." I said. "I arrived on time to help you."

"Naruto, you're always late."

"But you like me." I said out of nowhere and saw how his face changed not by surprise while he blushed, but because he didn't expect it.

"Yeah well, don't believe it too much." He said, looking somewhere else trying to prevent me from seeing his face and I smiled.

I pounced on him, grabbing his face and making him look at me, kissing him without giving him time to react. I thought he would've punched me for my insolence, for not asking permission, but no, he let himself be kissed and I think... he was even enjoying it. How many times had I kissed Sasuke? I should suppose by now that this was destiny because things always happened between me and him, not with Sakura. Ever since the academy, I always ended up kissing him.

"I love you, teme." I whispered and I didn't quite know how to take his reaction, because he had stayed still as if he didn't believe it.

"That's not true." He told me. "You say that so I could let you practice, you only love Sakura."

"Don't even mention her!" I shouted and he was surprised. I realized that I was yelling at him and it wasn't his fault that I was angry at Sakura. "Sorry, I didn't want to yell at you. It's just..."

"You asked her for help." He said in a serious tone. "But she ignored you." he intuited and I didn't know how he knew that, but I supposed it was pure Uchiha intuition. "She doesn't like me, it's normal."

"You didn't tell me anything."

"What did I have to tell you?"

"That they wanted to kill you, that they were using you. Why didn't you tell me?"

"Would you have believed me?" He asked. "You only believed Sakura, it was a waste of time trying to get to you, Naruto."

"Well now I'm with you, so tell me things, Sasuke. I want to help you."

"I told you to let me leave, but you didn't listen to me. I can't be here, this village isn't for me anymore. Don't you get it? You only have to look at how the people treat me. I'm the traitor, Naruto, they're scared of me and I've kept from defending myself. Do you know what they would think if they saw me in action?"

"I don't care what anybody thinks. What I do know that the others don't, is that you sleep calmly when you're with me, you even forgot to grab your kunai." I told him and he looked at his hand, seeing how he had no weapon near.

"You took it from me."

"No, Sasuke, you didn't grab it. You feel safe when I'm here. You know that while I'm here, you can sleep because nobody would hurt you. I'll protect you, it's the only way you'll relax."

"That's not true. You can't protect me, I'm much stronger than you."

"It's been a long time, Sasuke, you don't know what I'm now capable of."

"Neither do you." He said and I smiled because of his damn pride.

"I love you and I'll protect you."

"I'm not your fucking damsel in distress, you know?" He scolded. "I'm capable of defending myself, I don't need anyone to protect me. I come from the most prestigious clan in the village and I'm much stronger that everyone in this village."

"But you haven't defended yourself." I told him. "So honorable and yet you're as caring as a teddy bear." I said. "You don't want to kill people."

"I only kill when it's necessary and right now, I've had no need. I still have a few men in my list and not you or anybody is going to be able to stop me from killing them." He told me, sounding completely honest.

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