First Day in Konoha

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First Day in Konoha

A/n: Note that this is before the Uchiha Massacre, so don't be surprised when Sasuke says anything other than 'hn'. oh and btw, I don't own Naruto.

A girl who looked to be no older than 8 stood in front of a village in front of her, Konoha, the Village Hidden in the Leaves. She walked into the village somehow managing to get in the gates without anyone noticing, and since it was dawn she didn't see anybody outside. She kept walking until someone stopped her.

"State your home village and purpose for coming here." She looked behind her to see a young ninja who she thought was probably up early to practice in the training grounds.

"I'm from the Village Hidden in the River. My village was massacred and I came here because I need a place to reside in."

The young ninja looked like he wasn't sure weather to trust the little girl or not. But she didn't look like she could cause any harm and she did look like she's been traveling for weeks. He sighed and told her to follow him and he took the little girl to the third Hokage who happened to be awake. The girl didn't know why the Hokage would be up so early but she didn't question it, it could be part of his job for all she knew.

The young ninja spoke "I found this girl wondering off the streets. She told me her village was massacred and she needs a place to stay."

The Hokage looked at her "What's your name?"

The girl looked at him straight in the eyes and said "Moriko."

The Hokage just stared at her for a few seconds. He was about to ask her what her family name was but before he could ask, Moriko averted her eyes and said "Just. Moriko." The Hokage sighed but didn't push the little girl any further. Moriko could hide her emotions well for there weren't any signs of emotion on her face or her eyes, but the Hokage could tell that she was hurting inside. Plus there was so much negative aura radiating from her that it was unnerving.

"I can arrange for you to reside in a small apartment fit for only one person." He looked at the girl who still had that emotionless look on her face.

"That's fine." Even her voice left no trace of emotion.

"I can also arrange for you to attend the Ninja Academy, do you want to train to become a ninja?" The Hokage noticed her eyes widen slightly but quickly turned back into its emotionless state and nodded her head once.

After 20 minutes, the Hokage took Moriko to her apartment. Once she was inside the Hokage gave her her apartment keys and a small pouch that held a small amount of money. "Classes start at 8. I will be here a quarter till 8 to bring you to the Academy." The Hokage left Moriko in the apartment.

Her apartment room has a small living room which is the first thing you see when you enter, there is a small bed room, a small kitchen and a small bathroom. It was basically a very small version of a house and it was only fit for one person to live in.

She quickly took a shower and was done in 15 minutes. She didn't bring any extra clothes with her so she decided to wear what she already wore when she arrived in Konoha. Her attire consists of black leggings-like pants that reached her ankles, apple green tank top and blue shinobi sandals. On her left upper arm was a vine-like plant wrapped around twice to look like a bracelet. She also has a blue shuriken holster which she put on her right thigh.

She dried her hair and used her hands to brush through it to get rid of some of the tangles. By 7:40 she was able to make herself look at least half presentable. She definitely looked a lot cleaner than when she got there. The Hokage got there at exactly 7:45 and took her to the Academy.

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