Chapter 8

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Bella looks around the theater, waiting for a response from the crowd, I don't know what she is waiting for, I'd just bold. I can't believe she just did that, I guess the guilt was eating her from the inside out. All the sudden, my father stands up, breaking the silence. "You killed my daughter?" he said furiously. "It was an accident, I never meant to" she said, tears streaming down her cheeks. "Bella, how could you do such a thing, and worst of all lie and not tell anyone, not even your very own mother!" Mrs. Graham said. "I was afraid, but I couldn't deal with the guilt anymore" Bella said. "How could you do such a thing, I am so disappointed" continued her mother.  Bella stared at her. "Do you actually thing I killed her on purpose?" Asked Bella in disbelief. "I doesn't matter if you meant to or not, you still killed someone, you committed a crime, you still did something illegal" said her mother. "Mom! You just said I should have told you, but this is exactly why I didn't" she said. I looked over at my sisters. They both sat there in shock, finding out your sisters best friend killed her must be shocking. I looked over at my mother, she was in tears, crying onto my father's shoulder. Suddenly, someone from the audience yelled "she's a murderer, someone call the cops!" Bella stared in horror. "No please, it was an accident, please don't" she pleaded. She looked over at her mother for support. There were tears in her mothers eyes, "Mother?" cried Bella "I'm sorry, I can't help you" said Mrs. Graham, with an expressionless look on her face. Bella looked at her, shocked by her answer. Bella suddenly because very serious "Fine" she said and Bella ran out of the theater. Before I follow Bella, I take one last look at everyone. My parents are hugging each other, there are tears in my sisters eyes but they sit still, with no expression showing on their faces, Josh is sitting there in silence, I can see the sadness and the anger behind his eyes. Finally, I look at Mrs. Graham, just before I look away, I see a single tear fall down her cheek.

I run out of the theater, looking around for Bella, I see a patch of blonde hair run into the woods. I follow her deep into the woods. At one point, I hear police sirens in the distance, they must have called the cops. She seems to run for hours, but I know it's only been about ten minutes. Finally, the footsteps stop and I hear crying by the little stream. I walk over to where Bella is sitting, he makeup is all smudged and she has wrapped herself up in her cardigan to keep warm. She is looking at her reflection in the stream. Suddenly, she throws a rock at the water. Trying to let out all her anger and confusion. "Oh Hazel, I wish you were here, I've made a huge mistake, and I don't know how to fix it" she says through sobs. "I need you Hazel" she whispers. She sits there in silence for a second and then continues. "I'm always there for you Bella, I'll always be there for you, yeah right mother, you didn't even try to stand up for me, to help me. You basically feed me to the pigs. Thanks mother." she said, in tears. "I thought you loved me no matter what, I guess I was wrong..." she trails off. Suddenly I hear a branch snap deeper in the woods. Bella jumps. Josh comes out of the trees, out of breath, he must have followed Bella as well. "There you are" he said. "What do you want" said Bella "are you gonna turn me in?" she asked with attitude. "No, I'm not like that, I know you didn't mean to do that, I know you didn't mean to kill her" he said. More tears streamed down Bella's cheeks. "I didn't, I never wanted that to happen" she said. "I'm so sorry Josh" she said after moment. "I know, now just because I know it was an accident doesn't mean you didn't commit a crime, people are going to be looking for you. But lucky for you, my parents don't watch the news and they have never met you" he said. "What?" asked Bella, "what are you saying?" "I'm saying that if I tell my parents you're someone you're not then you can stay at my house, but you're gonna have to sneak into your house to get clothes and stuff like that." said Josh. "Thank you, thank you so much" said Bella. "Let's get out of here" he said. They got up and I followed them out of the woods.

Before going to Josh's house, I decided to go to my house, to see how they were doing. They were sitting in the dinning room, eating dinner in silence. They all looked like they were ghosts, they were pale and has expressionless looks on they face. I sat at my spot at the table and watched them eat. They ate in complete silence, all in shock. Once they were finished, they all put their own dishes away and went to bed. What a depressing night. I went into everyone's rooms and kissed them all goodnight. My parents went strait to sleep, my sister Dawn was crying so I sat with her until she fell asleep and Ivy was up on her computer watching more old home videos, she was also crying. I sat with her and watched some until she put her computer away and went to sleep. 

I went over to Josh's house and Bella wasn't there yet so I went to Bella's house. Her mother was sitting on the couch, crying. She was talking into a phone. "I can't lose her, I already lost my husband, I can't lose my daughter too." she said, crying. "What do I do mom?" she asked. I guess she was talking to Bella's grandmother. "If I keep her under my roof, I will just end up getting in trouble, and if she doesn't go in, she will end up in more trouble" she said. Suddenly, I see Bella, she's poking her head out of the doorway, listening to her mother, tears are building up in her eyes. I go over to her, she walks away and grabs a piece of paper. She starts to write.

Dear Mother,

I can't stay here, I know you know that. I'm sorry, I never wanted any of this to happen, hopefully I will see you again when this is over and we can be one happy mother and daughter duo again. I know you love me, I should have never put you in this position, I know you were just doing the right thing, you made the right decision. 

I love you Mother,                                                                                                                                                           Your daughter,


She placed the note on the dinner table and went upstairs. She grabbed a suitcase and filled it with some clothes, shoes, toiletries, photos, jewelry, valuables, money and sentimental things. Bella then continued downstairs and grabbed some food and put it in her backpack. She ran out of the house, but before closing the gate, Bella ran back to the window just in time to see her mother read her note, Mrs. Graham had a hand over her mouth as tear slipped form her eyes and held the note to her chest. Bella blew her a kiss as a tear slipped from her eye and she ran off into the darkness. 

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