Chapter 6

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That night, I go to sleep up in my room, on the bed that is no longer occupied. I fall asleep wondering how everyone's life is just going to have to  go on without me from now on. Everyone will either keep all the memories of me and remember them from time to time, or they'll just forget me altogether. 

The next morning I wake up as the sun rises, I go up to the roof and watch it rise. I realize its Monday, the first day of school since I've been gone. I decide I will go and see how the school is gonna react. I look down at myself and realize, I'm still in my prom dress, I guess whatever you die in, is what you're stuck wearing when you're a ghost. I walk around my house, saying good morning to everyone in my family, even if they can't hear it. I check the clock, 6:53, Ivy should be up. I walk into her room and she's sitting on her bed, looking through her phone. She's wearing black leggings, a white t-shirt, and white boot socks. A few minutes later she stands up and walks into my room. She opens my closet and takes out my favourite red and black flannel and puts it on. I realize that her neck looks bare, I run over to my desk and put my favourite silver necklace with a silver, hollow heart hanging from the chain on it. I was planning on wearing that necklace to the graduation ceremony. While she looks at the pictures on my dresser, I write out a note.

For Ivy,

Here is the necklace I was planning on wearing to my graduation, take care of it.

I love you


I knock on my desk and she turns around confused. She sees the note and reads it. A smile forms on her face and she places the necklace around her neck, she folds up the note and walks out of my room. Ivy seems a little happier now, she ate her breakfast with a smile on her face and the smile never disappeared. I follow her upstairs where she brushed her long brown hair, quite similar to mine, and put it in a messy side braid. I walk into my mom and dad's room, my mom is in the bathroom getting dressed and getting ready for work, she is a project manager, and my dad is looking at the pictures all around their room, he is also ready for work, he works for a computer chip company. I then check the clock again, 7:06, Dawn should be waking up in 4 minutes. I go over to my room and grab another necklace. I found the one that I wore to my grade 8 graduation, two linked circles, one silver, one rose gold, on a silver chain. I put it in a box and wrote out a note for Dawn.

Dear Dawn,

Here is the necklace I wore to my grade 8 graduation, It is very special to me, please keep it safe. It's yours now.

Love you forever,


I went into her room and placed it on her bedside table and waited next to her. At 7:10 her alarm went off and she saw the gift on her bedside table. She read the note and then put the necklace around her neck. She smiled sadly and got out of bed. She put on her ripped, light wash jeans and a tight,  white top, which she tucked into her jeans. She then walked into my room and grabbed my maroon cardigan and put it on. I guess both my sisters want to have part of me with them for the day. Dawn walked into my parents room and my mom put her hair into two french braids, like always. She held the pendant on the necklace all morning. At 7:45, I jumped into the car with my mom, and two sisters. They were off to school. Ivy and I were dropped off first, since Dawn's school is 25 minutes away from our house, it takes longer for them to get there. Ivy goes to the other end of the school like always and meets up with her friends. I go in through the main entrance, I want to see if anything is different. Everything seems normal, like it always does when I usually walk in here. I walk up to my homeroom. Everyone seems very quiet. I sit in my usual seat, not like anyone is going to sit there anyways. And a few minutes later, the first bell rings, 5 minutes to class. More students shuffle in a couple at a time. I see Ella, a blonde haired girl with the most beautiful blue eyes I've ever seen, today, she's wearing tie-die black and white sweats and a white crop top. Her hair is in a messy bun. And her friend, Riley comes in behind her. Riley is short but really sporty. She makes every sports team at school. She died her hair lavender over spring break, it looks really good on her. I never really talked to her much, we were on the track team together every year since 9th grade, but we never really became friends. I search for Bella, she's not here yet. Just as the bell rings, she comes in. Her blue eyes are sad, and her blonde hair is down, covering the sadness on her face. She's wearing ripped skinny jeans and a black crop top and the white cardigan I bought her for her birthday. She's also wearing our friendship bracelet, a silver chain with an infinity sign in rose gold. She takes her seat next to me and looks over at my desk, tears fill her eyes and she looks away. Our homeroom teacher, Mrs. Miller, walks in and takes her seat at her desk. She clears her throat and starts talking "Hi class, welcome back, I hope you all had an amazing weekend and a great prom" she starts, "Before we take attendance, you may notice we are missing a student today, Miss Hazel Williams could not join us today" she pauses and looks around the room. I look over at Bella and there are tears streaming down her face. "Saturday night, at prom, she had a terrible accident which took her life" she continued "Hazel is now gone, she was an excellent student and I'm sure to most of you, a great friend" she said. "You will hear more about what happened that night later today but I'm afraid I can't tell you the whole story right now" she paused "Now, let's take attendance" she said.

By the time lunch came around, there were already pictures of me everywhere, on the walls, on lockers, even in the girls bathrooms. I decide to go see how Ivy is doing. I find her in the cafeteria in her usual spot. The corner by the door. She's sitting with her friends, laughing and goofing around. It's nice to see her so happy. Then her friend Ainsley asks "Ivy? Where did you get that necklace? It's beautiful. Is it new?" Ivy pauses for a moment and says "It was my sisters, when I walked into her room to grab the flannel, I saw this on her desk, along with a note. She gave it to me. I guess she wanted to wear this to her graduation and obviously isn't going to get the chance to." she said, her eyes going sad "So I'm going to keep it safe for her and I'm planning on wearing it to my graduation." she added, trying hard to smile. Tears well up in my eyes, Ivy is going to do what I wanted to do with that necklace. I'm so happy it's purpose is going to be carried out but my sister.  I walk away and head to the theater. There is going to be an assembly in my honor. I walk in and find pictures of me everywhere. Pictures of me, me and my friends, me and Josh. Josh! I haven't seen him today. I look around and find him sitting at one of the 11 chairs by the stage. Each chair has a name on it. Principle Moore, Vice Principal Harris, Mr and Mrs. Williams, Ivy Williams, Dawn Williams, Bella Graham, Josh White, Mrs Miller, Mrs. Graham, Mr Walker, my track coach. I sit next to him and lean my head on his shoulder, he is looking through pictures of me on his phone. Smiling at all the good times we had together.

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