C.8~ Just Like Me

Start from the beginning

"I'm fine." I assured him, "You can go back to your girlfriend now." He crossed his arms over his chest, his lips parting.

"Girlfriend? You mean Norah?" He started laughing before I could say another word. "God, Beatrice. You are so naive." He shook his head, still laughing at me.

"What do you mean?" I growled.

"I mean that Norah is a bitch, Beatrice. I may not care about a whole lot, but I sure as hell don't walk around acting like I'm better than everyone else." I stared in shock, ready to fight what he said.

"I've watching people like her crumble and fall to the ground once karma comes around and bites them in the ass. Look, Beatrice. I don't know what's going on in that head of yours, but whatever Norah says to you isn't true. She thrives on seeing you cringe, Bea. I don't know why you're even friends with her." I tried to pull away, but it only resulted in his grip tightening around my wrist.

"I saw how happy you were when she was in Miami, Beatrice. Just because you don't see me doesn't mean I'm not there. Now I want you to promise me something." I stared at him through my lashes, afraid he's see how shocked I was.

"What?" I whispered. A smile tugged at his lips as he brushed a strand of hair out of my eyes, and for a moment I wondered if he had done this before, comforted a girl.

"The next time she says a word about Lily," He paused, letting the grin finally stretch across his face, "Slap her, please."


After about fifteen minutes, I somehow Xavier talk me into leaving early. He forced me to go to the nurse and before I could even say a word, the nurse said I looked sleep deprived.

"That wasn't hard." I stated the obvious, laying my head against the seat. Xavier nodded, laughing quietly.

"No, but it ruined your perfect record, sweetheart." He replied, glancing sideways at me. I could see amusement twinkling in his eyes.

"Eh, it's one day in. . . my whole life." I didn't have enough energy to do the math, and I honestly didn't really care enough to try.

"How does it feel, you little rebel?" He asked, cocking an eyebrow. I snorted and turned to look out the window. He's the one that had pretty much ditched, but was that really a surprise? I'd seen him ditch before, I guess that it was just strange that he had ditched to help me.

"Great." I muttered sarcastically, "Can you please stop looking at me like that?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Like what?"

"Like I'm Lily trying to figure out how to use a rattle." I laughed, feeling my cheeks starting to warm in embarrassment. He didn't even try to hold back his laugh, another grin stretched across his face.

Being this close and seeing him smile, I could finally see why so many people had found him attractive. He had this lightness about him, when he smiled it seemed to light up his whole face and cause his hazel eyes to glisten. He even had a dimple on his right cheek, and I had always been a sucker for dimples.

"Why are you looking at me now?" He questioned, his eyebrows drawing in confusion.

"No reason," I lied, smiling, "I just kind of realized something about you that I didn't before." He raised his eyebrows again, looking a little offended.

"Is it a good thing or a bad thing?" He wondered aloud. I yawned and reached over to pat his shoulder.

"A good thing. Definitely a good thing."

I must have passed out sometime during the ride home, because I woke up in my bed, under my blankets. I bolted upright once I realized what that meant.

Xavier had been in my room. He could have gone through my diary, saw all of my writing and saw my secret obsession with old movies. He could have enough dirt on me to last him the rest of high school, and college.

"Lily?" I whispered, glancing toward her bassinet. She wasn't in it.

"Lily?" I repeated, a little louder as I jogged over to it. The blankets were ruffled, but she was no where in sight. I darted out of the room and down the stairs, running straight into my brother.

"Wow, slow down there, gunpowder." He joked, gripping my shoulders. I looked around the room and peaked into the kitchen.

"Lily? Where is she?" I breathed out, searching my brother's eyes. To my surprise he started laughing quietly to himself.

"Calm down, Bea." He ruffled my hair as he started to walk past me, "Xavier said he was going to take her to his house, so you could get some sleep. I have to hand it to you, I didn't know that he was a pretty decent guy." He said, jokingly. I stared at the front door for a long second, my lips still parted and my heart slowly starting to fall back into its normal rhythm again.

"Yeah." I replied, "Neither did I."



I hope you guys enjoyed! Sorry for the wait!

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