The Clubhouse and Car Chase

Start from the beginning

"Bring it back to the Monster Hive, and plug it back into the base." Daphne added.

"Yes, and push the button-"

"And like, instead of creating monsters, all monsters will be destroyed." Shaggy finished, as he, Fred, Daphne and Velma got to work rewiring the control panel.


Outside the clubhouse, Braedey and Scooby turn away from the shack, and walk over to the water's edge of the lake.

"They're having a super-montage without us, Scooby. Let's just face it. They don't need me to solve this, or even any mystery for that matter. I'm just deadweight, being dragged about."

"Reah. Rou're a screwup." Scooby added, but not trying to be mean about what he said to his partner.

"Yeah." Braedey then thought back to when he DID something right. "I mean, the only thing I did right, was when I ploughed straight into the Snow Ghost, because I had my feet glued to rocket-powered roller skates, and was blinded by Daphne's wooly scarf. Eight times to be exact at that!"

"Reah. Reight stupid times." Scooby added, looking at Braedey.

"Let's just face it, Scooby-Doo. I will be nothing more than just another Daphne Blake, being kidnapped or falling into trapdoors and whatnot." Braedey sighs, looking out across the lake. "I only wish once, JUST ONCE, that I can do something right. You know, Scooby? Like be a hero. And save the day." Braedey smiled for a second, then snarled. "Oh, who am I KIDDING??!!!" Braedey grabbed a rock, and threw it into the lake in anger.

Suddenly, where the rock had landed 100ft away, the water started to bubble, as a green glow appeared. Braedey's eyes went wide in fear, as he sees what's making its way towards him and Scooby.

"It's Captain Cutler." Braedey said silently at first. "IT'S CAPTAIN CUTLER!!" He screamed in fear.

Inside the shack, everyone heard Braedey's scream, and Fred told Velma to finish rewiring the control panel as they get to the Monster Hive. As they got into the Mystery Machine, Captain Cutler burst out of the water, just as Fred shifted into Drive, and floors the accelerator.

But, as the Mystery Machine's back wheels started to gain grip and speed, Captain Cutler fired two harpoons from his harpoon gun, which nearly got Braedey and Scooby

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But, as the Mystery Machine's back wheels started to gain grip and speed, Captain Cutler fired two harpoons from his harpoon gun, which nearly got Braedey and Scooby. Then, the chains stopped the Mystery Machine dead in its tracks, and was being dragged back by Captain Cutler.

"What do we do now?" Everyone asked Fred in fear, and in a scared tone of voice.

Suddenly, Braedey grabbed the gear shifter, and shifted into Reverse. "If he wants us to go back, then let's..go..back!" Fred followed his word, and floored the accelerator, making the Mystery Machine run into Captain Cutler, and sending him flying into the lake. Then, Fred shifts into Drive, and they race away, back to the city, heading towards the Monster Hive.

Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed (OC's included)Where stories live. Discover now