What was I doing?


Literally I've been sitting here for a hour.

I was supposed to hang out with Martin today.

In fact he was supposed to pick me up an hour ago.

I tried to call him but he doesn't pick up.

I was sad. Was he gonna stand me up on my birthday?

I mean like other people had said things like:

" happy birthday Calvin ",

" happy birthday day young leaf boy" ,

" another year so grow the fuck up you pretentious fuck boi."

But from Martin?


It was seriously putting me down.

I was lonely as fuck.

And that's how I ended up throwing myself a party.

I got out a years supply of candy and chocolate.

Next I put on my playlist of beachwalk. And start jamming out.

Well and stuffing my face with candy.

It was fun...

For about 2 hours.

After that I was sick of candy. I felt like I was gonna throw up.

And yet? Martin still wasn't here!

Maybe he's busy

I decide to head over to Martin's house to see if anything was holding him up.

What if you see something you don't want to?

I push the thought out of my head.


I'm at Martin's front door and about to knock when I hear some whispers.

Me being the ninja I am, summersault under a window and look in.

There I see Martin and and another guy?

Don't jump to conclusions cal

What I hear next shocks me.

[ A U S T I N ]

I'm speechless.

How much of his YouTube revenue did Calvin use to pay Roman to say those things?!?

No way Roman actually likes me.

I haven't talked to Roman in a day which is a long time for us..

Oh No what if Calvin sent screenshots of our conversation too?

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