Chapter 71 - One Month Later

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A/n: I know you don't care but my guy internet friend asked me to cuddle him and make him feel better, im screaming. 

*One month later*

"Joeee" I groaned from inside the bathroom. I heard nothing but silence. "Joe.." I groaned for a second time. I didn't like speaking because every letter made me feel like I was going to puke. A few seconds later I heard footsteps wonder to the bathroom. 

"Babe? What are you doing in the bathroom?" Joe asked in the husky voice he gets when he wakes up. He was rubbing his eyes as he opened the door. As soon as he opened his eyes and saw me curled up in a ball he ran over to me. "What happened?" He had a look of panic spread over his face.

"I'm..Uh..Oh no" I leaned forward and gagged a bit before being sick for the 3rd time tonight.

"Woah.." Joe held my long hair back and rubbed circles on my back. Once I was done I sat back again with my knees up to my chest. 

"I don't feel well" I breathed heavily as Joe brought me into his arms for a warm hug. 

"Babe, you don't think it has something to do with our activities last night, do you?" Joe whispered into the top of my head. 

"That can't be possible..can it? We used a condom.." The feeling of sickness was shaken off by the new feeling of dread and anxiety. 

"Well it's not unheard of to become pregnant even when you use a condom.." I felt myself go into panic attack mode and I shuffled away from Joe and instead into the corner of the cold bathroom.  "oh no baby, don't panic.Shh.." Joe calmed me down by simply hushing me. "remember how I taught you to breathe? In and...out" I tried to follow Joe's breathing instructions but I still didn't feel calm. 

"There can't be a baby in my stomach, Joe." I said seriously, trying to push my anxiety away for a moment.

"I'm not saying there is I'm just saying, the morning after we - you know- and you get morning sickness-"

"It's not morning sickness! I just feel sick!" I raised my voice.

"Well you seem very touchy as well." I began to become extremely pissed off.

"I'm not pregnant..."

"Why are you so defensive about this? Would it really be the end of the world if we had a kid? I sure as hell wouldn't care, we're getting married anyway!" 

"I just don't know if I'm ready.." I mumbled, moving closer to Joe again. 

"If you find out you're pregnant promise me you won't get rid of it."

"What?! Of course I wouldn't! Whether I'm ready or not, If i'm pregnant I'm gonna look after that damn baby and give it all my love." Joe smiled and kissed me. 

"Hey that's not fair, I want some love too." Joe joked and took my hand. We sat on the bathroom floor for a bit just imagining our future. Not speaking about it but thinking. We looked at my ring a few times. We smiled to ourselves but sat in comfortable silence. No words were exchanged for a good 10 minutes. Because I guess if you're truly in love you don't have to be speaking to the other person all the time, sometimes it's okay to just sit...

A/n: BOOM BITCHES ! Ooh is she preggo?? Credit to Joe_sugg_topless she's one of my "biggest fans" (jk) she gave me the one month idea and the preggo idea but it's kind of different. There are some other lovely regular readers who know who they are and I will mention them in the next few chapters.

QOTC: Have you had your first kiss?

QOTCA: AAHHAHAHHAHAHHA no. Don't judge, boys don't like me lol.


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