Chapter 49 - Luke The Not So Penguin

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My phone immediately started to sing out "Mmmm whatcha sayyy". 

"Fuck, that's my phone." I groaned as I lazily reached for it across sleeping Joe. I slumped over to my cell phone before answering the call. 

"Well Hi Luke." I sighed, exiting the room in order not to wake Joe up. 

"Hey Hazel."

"So you remembered me? Even though you're on tour and with you girlfriend..."

"You know about Arzaylea"

"Um yeah just...Joe mentioned something about her a-a while ago but I don't think he ever told me what happened but he gets really upset about it."

"What are you saying?"

"I don't know Luke, I'm just telling you to be careful. I'm not having you moping around when the fans need you." Luke laughed a little bit. "Oh and I have a bone to pick with you!"

"Oh shit I'm in for it now" 

"No, ages ago you changed your name from '@luke_is_a_penguin' to '@lukehemmings' you're such a fucking bore!"

"Well I'm sorry but I'm not a teenager any more" I gasped, pretending to be shocked. 

"Well excuse me  Luke The Not So Penguin."

"Is that what you're actually going to call me from now on?"

"Ummm hell yeah."

"Mmmm greaattt. Anyway I gotta go now, call you soon!"


"Will do you weirdo"

"RUDE!" As I shouted that the phone call ended and I burst into laughter. As I finally calmed down and had wiped the tears away from my eyes I felt a hand on my back. I jumped in fright and threw a pillow at the figure. 

"Woah calm your ass woman" It was Joe's voice. Joe sat on the bed next to me. I turned to look at him and inspected his hair. Because he had just woken up it was all lopsided and messy, I pretended to mess it up then 'fix it' again. Joe got annoyed of me so he started to tickle under my arm pits. I'm not ticklish there so when Joe found that out he tried my neck but that didn't work either. Unfortunately, he started to tickle my sides where I am actually ticklish so I started to scream out. 


"Is that you asking me to stop or show you my dick-?"

"Ew Joe gro-OSS" Towards the end of me saying gross he tickled me again. 

I managed to grab a pillow to throw at his face again. It failed miserably and landed on his lap so he threw it back at me. I gave up and sank into the bed in defeat. 

"You win" I cried. I felt the weight of the bed droop down with me as Joe lay next to me.

"Does the winner win a kiss?"

"He gets to kiss my ass" I joked. He rolled his eyes and kissed me. His lips were soft on mine, they were perfect. 

" I love you so much Hazel. Never forget that." I hugged Joe and he pulled me on top of him.  "Well what are you doing on top of me Hazel? Someone's a bit keen, eh?" I laughed cockily before shaking my head violently. 

"One day day I'll let you" I whispered before rolling to my side and setting the pillows back. I felt a wave of sleep wash over me and felt myself fall asleep almost instantly....

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