Chapter 10- I Could Say Love

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I lied.

That wasn't me.

Soon, we reached the school.

Harry parked his car at his usual spot and I unfastened the seatbelt, not daring to look at him, not because of the makeover, but because I wasn't who he thought I was.

Before I could reach for the car door, Harry landed a hand on mine  forcing me to look at him.

He took off his varsity jacket and placed it around my shoulders.

"I don't want you to walk out like this." He said and flashed me a small smile.

I smiled back.


Walking into school next to Harry but not behind him was weird. But walking with our hands entwined was weirder. I didn't ask for it, he just took my hand and walked into school with me right next to him.

In that crowd of busy moving people, somehow everyone made out some time to stare at us, causing me to look down at the floor once in a while, feeling scared. But whenever I did, Harry would notice and slightly tighten his grip on my hand to make sure I know it was alright.

He cared for me so much.

But no.

Not me.

He cared for Ella so much.

Even thinking that hurt.

The thought that one day she'd come back and I'd have to explain everything to her scared me. But right then, I just enjoyed what I had, temporarily.

Harry pulled me towards his squad, minus Zayn, crowding at one corner of Liam's locker, laughing at God knows what until they caught sight of me, hand in hand with Harry. The only person who didn't look that shocked was Niall.

Thanks, Niall.

"What is this?" Louis asked, raising an eyebrow and pointing at us both, back and forth.

"It's obvious, Lou, everyone can tell." Liam said as he slammed the doors of his locker shut.

"You're dating Blondie Dork number 2?!" Louis exclaimed, a little too loudly causing a few heads to turn.

Blondie dork number 2, huh?

Great nickname.

Way to go, that was how they insulted me.


Harry made a 'tsk' sound and glared at Louis and Niall hit him on the arm, signaling him I was right there.

"How the hell did this even happen? Sorcery?!" Louis asked, making huge hand gestures.

Yay. There comes insult number 2.

"She's the one I was looking for." Harry finally said, his voice cold but serious, seemed to be sick of Louis.

"The one you said who was extremely hot and smart and funny and talented? Woah. NOT what I expected." Louis shot back again.


I was ready for all the rocks people would throw at me.

But coming from his friends?

I was not.

Unexpectedly and shockingly, Harry threw a punch right on Louis' face, shocking everyone around us.

Everyone's expression changed and Liam immediately went in front of Harry, trying to pause him from what was happening, placing his palm on Harry's chest.

"Woah, guys, it's just a joke, chill!" Liam exclaimed as I stood frozen while Niall went to check on Louis who was lying on the ground.

Completely not what I expected from a person like Louis, he jumped up from the ground and threw a hard punch on Harry's face causing him to fall backwards a little.

I stood frozen, shocked by the scene before me.

Harry was fighting his best friend.

All because of me.

The fake Cinderella.

Louis stood a few feet in front of me and there came Harry, bouncing back up, ready to throw another punch at Louis.

I knew I had to move. If I didn't, Louis' would fall right on me.

But I couldn't.

Suddenly, I felt a warm hand on mine, pulling me away from a falling Louis onto a hard chest.

I looked up at the figure and to my surprise it was Zayn.

Jet black hair guy.

Who came to my rescue, with his arms around me, his hand on my head, protecting me from everything happening right then and there.

And for a second in that messed up scene.

I felt safe for a split second.

Like someone cared about me.

Just a split second.


*old holy person's voice*



Written by:

Sparks [Haylor AU] (Taylor Swift // Harry Styles)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt