Chapter 19

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Previously, on the last chapter:

Knowing that this battle will not end unless one side has lost dearly, you decided to make a declaration.

After climbing up to the throne, you took a deep breath and...

"I am (y/n), daughter of Lord Zalgo, and I propose a deal." You announced.

This earned a few gasped form the creepypastas before everyone stopped fighting, looking at you with dropping jaws of shock and disbelief.

Pulling yourself up to your full height, you continued your speech.

"I propose that instead of making everyone in both parties fight, each-" you were broken off when something slapped you.

Hmm...perhaps saying that everyone stopped fighting would be an understatement. After all, Zalgo and Slender still seem to be exchanging blows.

Sighing, you persuaded Zalgo to stop fighting and come over to you. Since he has been the main subject of your training lessons, his mind has became particularly sensitive to your persuasion.

At first, Slender followed after Zalgo, curious of what he was up too. Then, seeing that Zalgo merely went and stood by your side, Slender retreated to where the bulk of the creepypastas were.

Satisfied, you continued.

"Now, as I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted by someone," there you shot a glare at Slender, "I propose that both parties instead each sent one champion to fight for them."

You stopped, gauging their reaction.

While Zalgo was shooting daggers at you - you could literally feel him glaring at your back- Slender merely look thoughtful.

"So child, what you're saying is that we each sent someone out to fight for us?" Slender asked curiously.

At your nod, he continued. "And the champion that wins, that side their fighting for is the winners."

You nodded again. "We accept the deal." Slender said.

You turned to Zalgo, awaiting his answer.

"I will agree to this deal one two conditions.  The first condition is that it be a battle to the death." There, he glanced at Slender who nodded in agreement.

"The second condition, " Zalgo drawled, looking back at you with a smug expression. "You, my daughter, will be our champion."

Dun dun duuuunnn. Its a cliffhanger. Cause I'm evil. Anyway, what'cha gonna do? Accept and kill you precious friends? Or decline and make a fool of yourself?

Find out in the next update. Which might either be very early in the day or very late.


Next update: Thursday.

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